Good morning, we’re new to all this having had our 12 panels and H1-5.0-E-G2 inverter installed last week. We’ve already joined Octopus Flux import and are waiting to join the export tarriff. As we had a pretty poor solar day yesterday, our batteries were down to 30% at 22.45 so we decided to jump in and set our system to charge from the grid on the cheaper overnight supply thru the app. It didn’t happen and we don’t understand why. At 07.30 battery was down to 13% and then we started charging from the grid, luckily this was only for about 30 mins as it got light and the solar panels kicked in albeit in a small way. When we examined the app our ‘enable charge from grid’ times had been reset to 0.0 - 0.0 (I’ve just put the times in again to see if the app saves them). Is there something else we have to do on the inverter to enable timed grid charging?
Also, having discovered this forum and read extensively through many posts this morning I went to the inverter to check our battery voltage in order to try and limit both the amps the inverter might ask for when grid charging and also the SoC % that it will charge to (in order to leave some space for solar charging) and I fell at the 1st hurdle as my inverter panel seems to be indicating that my battery voltage is 120v. Is that correct? I expected it to be around 220v.
12x Aiko 455w, H1-5.0-E-G2, 2xECS2900 energy cube.
Big learning curve
- Posts: 1328
- Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm
It’s ok your 2 * ECS battery voltage is correct when charged, it’s approx 56V per pack so 2 packs is 110-120V.
Just a couple of things to mention, if you have any kind of schedules enabled it will clear your normal charge periods - you can’t use them together, they’re mutually exclusive.
So make sure your scheduler says disabled, then set your normal charge period to charge from grid.
And as a double check leave the app, come back in and check it shows them enabled (the switch is on) when you look at them in the app.
Quite a few people use the Energy Stats app written by Al Priest, it’s available for iOS and Android and is a lot easier to use.
Just a couple of things to mention, if you have any kind of schedules enabled it will clear your normal charge periods - you can’t use them together, they’re mutually exclusive.
So make sure your scheduler says disabled, then set your normal charge period to charge from grid.
And as a double check leave the app, come back in and check it shows them enabled (the switch is on) when you look at them in the app.
Quite a few people use the Energy Stats app written by Al Priest, it’s available for iOS and Android and is a lot easier to use.
Thank you so much for responding, it’s set my mind at rest that I’m not losing the plot to know that I should expect to see what I’m seeing! We’re going to have a go at limiting the amount the battery will charge up to from the grid to 80% in order to leave some capacity for solar charging. We successfully charged last night having had another go at scheduling it with the fox app.