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Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:29 am

Good morning all, i am trying to buy another lv5200, which is proving almost impossible. No one sells them anymore, which is a bit annoying as i only bought these batteries 15 months ago. So, does anyone either know somewhere that still sells them, have got one for sale or knows someone with one for sale. Many thanks.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1524
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

I assume you've got the original 'white label' version 1's ?

As you know it's a pain to upgrade, there are no new ones available anywhere anymore - but occasionally the batteries come up on eBay or the Facebook group as people do exactly what you are doing and want to upgrade.

There is a strong second hand market for them, and linking back to your other post about upgrading the size of your inverter - probably not what you want to hear but you could switch back to plan A, get a KH inverter, buy the new EP5 'HV' batteries which work with all the Fox kit, and then sell your old LV5200's
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Yeah, its been thought about but new inverter and new batteries? Haven't got the money for it, to be honest. It would solve the problem, but my system is only 15 months old. Very annoying that the batteries are already obsolete apart from the second hand market. No, they are purple labels. Maybe a bit more desirable than white if i come to sell them? If i could sell the solis inverter and batteries for a good price then its possible i could afford to go the way you suggested. But finding someone would be a nightmare. Are the EP5s the newest of the fox batteries? I would guess so as i haven't seen too many for sale in UK. A KH and 3 EP5s would be ideal but unless someone has me in their will, then i will have to find another way! Thanks for the comment.
Dave Foster
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I can understand how you feel, i've copied this recent post from the Facebook group in case it's of interest to you.
Again probably not what you like to hear but the common advice is that as there is such a price premium for the older LV5200 batteries, it is better to buy the LV52 and sell your LV5200's on eBay (or the Facebook group) as you will still get very good money for a 15 month old LV5200.

The FoxESS EP5 batteries are their latest generation that are in essence the HV version of the LV batteries, they are very new but the price/kwh point is looking quite good - an EP11 is shortly to follow.

I'm going to post on your other thread about Solis battery settings as increasing the size of your inverter and adding additional LV5200's may not give you the desired effect you are looking for as LV (low voltage) batteries have a maximum discharge power, HV (high voltage) batteries don't have this limitation.
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:29 am

Good afternoon Dave, I really dont know what to think anymore! lol! Every way of doing it has its own problems.I saw that the ep5 has a junction box for more than 1 battery. I may be able to find room for that to the left of my set up. Just a quick add up, going to be 6 grand ish whichever battery i choose. The cube looks attractive but i havent got the height space under the inverter and the KH is slightly longer. Thank you for the FB post but it is actually me! Well, its my partners account as i dont do FB. I am starting to think that buying another lv5200 is a waste. I am trying to keep obsolete batteries going by putting more money into them, which is a bit stupid when there are alternatives. Maybe you are right. Get a system that suits us and try and sell the old one somewhere. This is how its set up at the moment in a utility room i built. I guess i could rip out some of her cupboards! Yeah, that will make her real happy! Haha! Thanks again for the comment. I might start to actually understand my solar eventually!
Dave Foster
Posts: 1524
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Lol, I thought it was coincidence :)

yes agree, it's a lot of money to end up at a similar place, but going forwards getting HV batteries is the way you want to go - more LV's isn't going to be a good investment.

The EP'x' range uses the junction box as the parallel connection point, each battery has a DC switch, so you wouldn't need those DC isolators - just the junction box.

It's even better with the ECS 'cube' batteries as they have internal ports which connect when they stack so much tidier for an indoor install such as yours - The cube batteries also have an on-board battery isolator on the master so again you wouldn't need the DC isolators which would give you more space underneath to fit a fair few cube batteries in a stack.
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:29 am

ok. Thats interesting. I have been measuring up and if those dc isolators were not there, it would make things a lot easier. So i wouldn't even need fuses between the battery and inverter? I do like the cube, but what's the betting these will be obsolete in 18 months time and the new ones cant be used with the KH! That would be typical of my luck! lol! I think i will seriously look at getting a cube. Are all the different sizes compatible? Can i put a 4.1 with a 4.8 and a 2.9kw for instance? That would make it more attractive as a system to me. Thanks Dave.
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