Parallel issue on 2 systems

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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2024 9:53 pm

Hi, I’m a new installer of fox Ess i currently have 2 systems I need help with configuring parallel mode with.

I have 1 system with 2 x H3-8.0-E inverters with a lost meter fault on what will be the slave, with its can connection and dip switches set as per instructions and I’m very confused as I have double and triple checked this

I also have another site with 2 x H3-Pro-25.0 inverters with the same issue except neither of them will work as the meter in connected into an Ems, Which is all set up and online / updated with again the correct connections everywhere, if anyone could shed come light on it, that would be great as I would like to keep my customers happy, I have tried ringing fox on 2 occasions and I can’t get through, will try again tomorrow , thank you
Dave Foster
Posts: 1148
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

I can't help with the second problem as i've never come across the EMS, you'll need Fox for that.

Typically though with inverters in parallel you must connect them from Parallel 1 (Master) to Parallel 2 (Next Slave) it won't work if you go P1 to P1, obviously set the dip switches on the Master and last slave as per the manual.

You shouldn't set a meter option on the slave, it should be left disabled.

Finally on the Master in Settings make sure you go to Parallel and set 'Master Mode' , any slaves will automatically become slaves at this point.
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