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H3 10 und T8 WR komische Werte in der App

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:58 am
by Wusaa
Guten Tag zusammen,
ich habe 1 x 10 kwp an einem H3 10 und 7 kwp an einem T8 WR. Beide haben einen eigenen WLAN Dongle.
In der App wird mir bei PV anscheinen die richtige Menge beider Anlagen angezeigt. ( jetzt bei sonne mal 14 kwh+ )
Bei Gen Divice wird mir allerdings zusätzlich der Wert des T8 angezeigt.
Außerdem ist sobald Sonne da ist die Hauslast im negativen Bereich. ( Meiner Meinung nach wird der erzeugte Strom des T8 von der Hauslast abgezogen )

Die Anlage scheint an sich gut zu funktionieren, aber wirkliche Werte zum auswerten habe ich nicht.

Jemand eine Idee wie ich das beheben kann oder woran das liegt ?

Re: H3 10 und T8 WR komische Werte in der App

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:36 pm
by calum
Re-posting the OP in English (via Google Translate) in case it helps anyone give an answer:
Good day everybody,
I have 1 x 10 kwp on an H3 10 and 7 kwp on a T8 WR. Both have their own WiFi dongle.
The app appears to show me the correct amount of both systems for PV. (now 14 kWh+ when the sun is shining)
However, with Gen Divice the value of the T8 is also shown to me.
In addition, as soon as there is sun, the house load is in negative territory. (In my opinion, the electricity generated by the T8 is deducted from the house load)

The system seems to be working well, but I don't have any real values to evaluate.

Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this or what the problem is?

Re: H3 10 und T8 WR komische Werte in der App

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 4:34 pm
by reef
This is a known issue when using two inverters. I have a thread running on it here:


We're trying to get Fox to fix the issue, but it's proving problematic.

Re: H3 10 und T8 WR komische Werte in der App

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:33 am
by Dave Foster
On the H3 the load power values show incorrectly if there is another solar generator on meter2.

If you use the Energy Stats app, there is an option to 'fix' this if you go into Settings, Data, and toggle 'Use traditional load formula'

This fault has recently been reported to Foxess, but it's still unclear whether they will correct it for their apps.