Batteries not discharging then they do after a few days

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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:46 pm

Hi All,
My system inverter is the H1 5.0 E hybrid with 20.4 KW storage capacity which was installed early May.
All worked well until about two weeks ago when I noticed that sometimes the grid would be supplying the house and not the batteries even though they had plenty of charge.
This situation would continue for about one minute after the house demand increased and then the batteries would take over.
This wasn't happening previous to the last couple of weeks though I thought that maybe it had but I'd not noticed.

Then about a week ago the power demand was fed only from the grid after topping the batteries up during the night before. I could see it on the app.
I put a call in to the supply and install company who instigated software updates but no change.
Engineers are sick or on holiday etc so no one for about two weeks.

I read much on-line and I found that the SOC should be set at 10% and the SOC grid should be set a 15% to give a minimum 5% difference (this info from FOX).
Mine was at 10% each. Suddenly batteries were supplying the demand. (Throughout all this in the evening the batteries were suppling about 120 watts)
However now when a top up from the grid operates the batteries don't supply the demand for approx 30 minutes.
Customer service do not have a clue other than to say it may be caused the the recent update for the upcoming peak shaving. You can see the icon over inverter pic on the mobile app.
Any ideas anyone?
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:56 am
Location: St Annes on Sea

What do you have set for the charging time periods?

Mine are set like this:
Time Periods.jpg
What came as a surprise to me recently is that the top entry values mean there will be no discharge from the battery from 00:30 to 07:30.

It's a useful feature to avoid using charge from the battery during a cheap tariff period.

Graham Fountain
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