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Grid offline mode?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:10 pm
by Tinsta

Is there a way of setting the FoxESS invertor to completely ignore the feed from the grid if the battery is 100%, and just use the battery? Mine isn't using the battery even though its 99% charged, still continuing to use the grid?
its set to "self-use", is there a way of simulating a grid outage from the invertor config?
Incidently the load is being mis-reported..nothing is practically on in the house, but its showing as 5.9Kw in use

eg a "Grid offline mode" as seen on the tesla powerwall models.


Re: Grid offline mode?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:45 pm
by canton7
What sized inverter do you have?

It looks like the inverter is supplying as much as it can, and the grid is picking up the rest

Re: Grid offline mode?

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:32 am
by Tinsta
Inverter Model : H1-3.7-E

Are these the latest firmware versions?

Inverter Hardware Version : -
Master : 1.24
Slave : 1.02
Manager : 1.2

Re: Grid offline mode?

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:01 am
by alistair.miller
A few weeks ago I got Fox support to update our system and the versions are as follows;

Inverter Model : H1-3.7-E
Master : 1.58
Slave : 1.02
Manager : 1.61