Mira Hv25 Battery output

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:44 pm

Hello I wonder if someone could tell me what the max capacity (watts) the batteries should be able to output at once?

I have 3 x Hv25 batteries I find that sometimes with full batteries we still pull energy from the grid when cooking eg hob / oven... Thanks
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 7:42 pm


You restricted by the output of your inverter normally 3.68kw in most cases. When using oven and hob you will find oven will draw 2.5kw and an average hob ring will draw 1.5kw so 4kw. 3.68kw coming from the inverter and the other 300w coming from the grid.

Don’t know what size inverter you have. But the batteries will only discharge 3.68kw for a 3.68kw inverter.

Hope this helps
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We have a 3.7kW H1 as well and while sometimes I wish we'd gone for the 5kW, most of the time it wouldn't make a difference. If you're trying to avoid / reduce grid draw, you have to bear in mind the 3.6kW limiter and eg pre-heat the oven before you start using the hob. Ovens will use a lot when warming up, but less when up to temp.
H1-3.7 / 6xHV2600 / 14x400W / RS485 Modbus->HA
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Thank you for the replies that all makes sense and explains it 👍
Posts: 64
Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:02 pm

I have noticed that when it's nice and sunny I can pull almost 4kw from solar&batteries before any grid import happens.
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