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Grid import and feed-in strongly overestimated by FoxESS

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:53 pm
by Jibe
Hi all,

I run a H3-6.0-E with a ECS2900-H3. The system ran without issues for 10 months. Beginning July, it reported several errors and was offline for about 14 days, before a FoxESS service technician fixed the system online remotely. While the system runs properly since then, I have a new issue now: grid consumption values shown in the app are strongly overestimated.

For example, my energy provider's meter this morning showed 604 kWh total consumption. Now, the inverter tells me I had a grid import of 8.5 kWh today - however, when I checked the energy provider's digital meter in my basement it still reads 604 kWh, i.e. actual zero import (which is plausible since the sun is up all day at the moment). This seems to be systematic since the system was restored by the technician - presumably he was also running some SW updates. Before that, values seemed very accurate and matching the meter’s readings.

I could not figure out, where the wrong grid consumption values are coming from or which settings are causing this, but the FoxESS data shows an accumulated 90 kWh grid import above the official meter's value by now. I also noticed that the accumulated feed-in values shown by FoxESS system are above the digital meters value in same range. Could it be that somehow my system confuses self-used load with feed-in export and at the same time assuming the consumption is covered by grid import (quasi balancing out each other)?

Sorry for the clumsy explanations, but I hope it is understandable. I reached out to my installer (who could not help) and to FoxESS customer support, but never received a reply.
Maybe anyone here is able to provide an explanation and optimally a solution?

Many thanks in advance.

Re: Grid import and feed-in strongly overestimated by FoxESS

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:49 pm
by Dave Foster
I believe that Fox ESS have made some changes in a recent firmware release that causes a similar problem to what you are seeing - is it possible that they updated your firmware when they were fixing your system ?.

This thread relates to it ... ssions/648, several people have downgraded to the previous version to correct this - so if it is the same problem you would have to contact Fox support and ask if they have released a fix for this (there has been a recent update to Master 2.01, Manager 1.80).

Re: Grid import and feed-in strongly overestimated by FoxESS

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:33 pm
by Jibe
Hi Dave,

thanks for your reply and the infos. Yes, I think the service did a software update when fixing my system. Current versions are Manager 1.79 and Master 2.00.
So I guess the newer versions you mentioned may fix this. I'll try to contact customer support again and ask for an update.

BR, Jibe

Re: Grid import and feed-in strongly overestimated by FoxESS

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:39 pm
by Jibe
Update: opened a ticket and just got a reply from customer support.
They updgraded to Manager 1.80 and Master 2.01 and stated this firmware should solve the issue.
I keep monitoring if this is indeed the case :)

BR, Jibe