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Max AC input

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:56 am
by Bomber
Good morning everyone, this is my first post and, as i am really new to solar and just winging it with my current setup, it won't be anywhere near my last! I am wanting to install the 10.5kw kh hybrid. My solis 6kw is not big enough for our needs. Especially when my partner switches the kettle on without asking what else is running and ends up tripping it. On the data sheet, max input AC is 78.3A. What does max input actually mean in practice? My house fuse is 63A. The best i can fathom is that 78.3A is the absolute max the inverter will pull. Thats if the max amount of kw input is coming in from the panels, max amount of batteries being charged etc, just max everything! 10.5kw is just under 44A. We will be using around 8kw at certain times and not very regularly. We have enough roof space for maybe another 5kw, if we get the money! So, a small set up in comparison. We dont sell back as no smart meter. I think what i am asking is, should the 78A be a concern for us? Or could i rate the cable, trips etc for around 50A knowing that we will never be running this inverter at max capacity? Thats if i am right about the max AC bit! Thanks.

Re: Max AC input

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:21 pm
by Dave Foster
The max input is the very worst case the inverter can take from your grid, but you would need it to be wired in a very unusual configuration where you have the EPS (emergency power supply) wired up and operating in bypass mode with the inverter charging it’s batteries at the maximum current.
But it’s an almost impossible scenario and so in practice your AC input is likely never going to exceed the inverters max power of 10.5kWh (46A).

Re: Max AC input

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:52 pm
by Bomber
Brilliant. Thank you, Dave.