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Feed-in power shows with battery charged only 15-20%

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:57 pm
by v1lad
HI all !
I find strange behavior of my installation. The installation does a short power export several times a day, with the battery only 15-20% charged. See attached pic. Can anyone explain this behavior ? Thanks in advance.

Re: Feed-in power shows with battery charged only 15-20%

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 5:31 pm
by Dave Foster
That looks like data lag caused by the 5 minute data sampling the cloud uses.

When the inverter load changes when a larger load turns on or off, the inverter has to balance the demand from the batteries - if the data sample is taken when it is balancing you sometimes get data lag and what appears to be either a grid import or export.

These peaks last for only a small moment of time whilst the inverter adjusts it's power but because the data sample is every 5 minutes it appears more significant than it really is, it's just a normal part of the inverters operation - if you connect via modbus RS485 you can sample at 3 seconds and you can see then that the peak is only a transient thing only showing for one sample.

(Induction hobs are particularly good at causing this as they switch the load on and off rapidly)

Re: Feed-in power shows with battery charged only 15-20%

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:18 pm
by v1lad
Thank you very much for the explanation. I also took the measurements directly from the inverter. See the attached picture.
Of course the amount is very small, but it is there.

Re: Feed-in power shows with battery charged only 15-20%

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:29 pm
by Dave Foster
Yes it’s a grid tied inverter and normal, there will always be a small import & export, once the sun starts shining in warmer months all of these numbers will become noise in the overall statistics.