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Current firmware versions

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:46 am
by Stuart
Is there a way we could create a page to track the latest/current versions of firmware for each inverter, BMS, etc.
I find it quite odd that this isn't listed on the FoxESS site with a description of change notes between versions.
Many thanks,

Re: Current firmware versions

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:12 pm
by Will
I have a topic here viewforum.php?f=29
Annoyingly the firmware numbers are different for each inverter type so a H1 has a different firmware to an AIO for example making the numbering really hard to manage.

Re: Current firmware versions

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:25 pm
by Stuart
Yeah I saw that page. I guess I was meaning a hardware list that then gave you the current versions and upgrade notes (if there are any)
Like hybrids:
Master version = xxx
Slave version = xxx
Manager version = xxx

Etc, etc.

I had a call with FoxESS recently and they upgraded my firmware. However, not to the newest versions. It was only when I was reading on the Facebook group I realised. So made another call and got the latest versions.

I guess it's a lot of work and to be honest only stat geeks like myself would look at it. Thanks anyway and keep up the great work.

Re: Current firmware versions

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm
by Will
Foxess don't publish change logs but we'll use the topic quoted above to try to expose changes and versions as we see them.