Setting up wifi on Fox ESS F6000 issue

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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:24 am


    i have a fox ESS F6000 inverter with a Wifi dongle. The Wifi connection was working until a few days ago when the Wifi amplifier stopped working. I had to buy a new one and the SSID is now different.
    I went through several guides on how to set up Wifi.

    What i've done was:
    - connect to W-xxxxxxxx (wifi of the dongle) and accept the connection without internet.
    - go to page but i get a page with no data, no mac address, ... . On the drop down to select the new SSID, i have "nothing" (see attached image)
    - if i click on refresh a i get a network is not connected. Please reconnect.

    If i check the page errors i see a connection closing or closed.

    Do you know what i should do to solve this issue?

    Dave Foster
    Posts: 1148
    Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

    To start I would suggest removing your wifi dongle from the inverter and re-insert it so that it completely restarts.

    As an aside the better way to achieve this is to change the SSID and password of the new wifi to be the same as it was before - then the dongle will just connect straight up.
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    I've tried removing the dongle for awhile and it didn't work.
    Resetting the inverter also didn't work.
    I've tried to change the SSID to the previous one and it didn't work (with the tests i've made with the dongle and the configuration page, maybe something was actually changed :( )

    It seems the problem is the connection to the inverter since the page is empty.
    I even tried to set my phone as hotspot and configure the dongle with my PC.

    My PC can see the hotspot but nothing appears on the dongle.

    When i click Refresh i get a Network is not connected! Please reconnect
    Dave Foster
    Posts: 1148
    Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

    Have you tried connecting to the dongle wi-fi with a different browser, it sounds like the one you are using may have a problem with the way the dongle is serving up its html pages.

    Normally you connect to the dongle ssid W-xxxxxxx and then you enter the password mtmt2020 and the boxes are pre-filled
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    Joined: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:24 am

    Sorry, i should have replied sooner. I've tried different browsers on a PC and tried different phones.
    I ended up changing the SSID and password to the old one and it solved the connectivity issue.

    I still have the empty page but at least i'm producing data :)

    Thanks for your help
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