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Adding a new battery to the AIO H3

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:48 pm
by sakull
I PURCHASED a FoxESS AIO 10 KWP with 3x HV2600 v1 (the device is 7 months old) and I would like to add +1 HV 2600 (v1, ver,D).
What is the installation procedure with adding a new battery?

Is it necessary to turn off the circuit breaker on the BMS (the FOX converter settings are not reset)?
1) Plug in + power cable, RS485 communication cable + ground
2) Switch the DIP SWITCH to position "2" = 4x HV 2600

Is it necessary to charge the +1 HV2600 to 100% before adding it to the AIO H3?
Thank you for your help

//FoxESS AIO-hybrid, 3-Phase, 10.0kWp
3x HV2600 (v1, ver.D),
20x M. Solar 450Wp