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Power clipping/Flat-line

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:03 pm
by richardevans
can someone explain what's going on here? We have a FoxESS 6.0kW inverter with two strings, one (PV2) of 12 panels orientated SSE and one (PV1) of 8 panels orientated WSW

With the recent better weather we have seen good nominal production with peaks up to close to the expected capacity of the panels. However, instead of power coming up in a sinusoid (in a perfect case with no cloud) we see PV2 clipping or flat-lining at 3.65kW (apart from occasional transient spikes). PV1 typically behaves as expected. It does this even when the total power from both strings combined is less than 6kW. This can be seen most clearly in the 200423a plot.

Is there a limit on the power from a single string MPPT? ie it can only sustain 3.65kW?
Is this some configuration setting (that we can't see in the menus)?
Or is PV1 higher capacity, and we have the strings plugged into the wrong MPPT?

Any thoughts?

Inverter Model : H1-6.0-E (6.0kW)
Battery: 2x FOX ECS-4100 (8.2kWh)
PV1: Orientation WSW 8 x 395W JASolar
PV2: Orientation SSE 12 x 395W JASolar

Re: Power clipping/Flat-line

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:21 am
by fbenvegna
Same problem with same inverter.
I have One string of 15 panels 405w.
The production Is cutted to about 3.65kw/h.
Asked to support... the H1-6.0E Is limited to 3,7kw/h for each line PV1 and PV2. The solution is to balance panels on two equals strings so that each cannot go over 3.7

Re: Power clipping/Flat-line

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 10:54 am
by richardevans
Hmmm. That's a big problem then. Our two strings of panels are orientated 90degrees from one another and so come up and down out of phase. Also they are currently hard-wired into single feeder cables as a set of 12 facing SSW and 8 facing WSW so cannot be balanced. This would suggest that the suppliers were unaware of this limitation before spec'ing our 12 x 395W panels = 4.7kW onto an MPPT that can only go to 3.65kW