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All's Well That Ends Well -ish

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:14 pm
by HughInDevon
OK, Mr. Fox finally sorted out my inverter firmware update yesterday evening and I am a happy bunny with my KH10 all singing and dancing. But, and there always is a but, in my flailing around when the first update attempt hadn't worked I reinstalled my Fox ESS - Modbus integration. Reinstalled it a few times actually. This time I didn't give my inverter a friendly name. After all, keep it simple is a good rule. So, unfortunately that meant that all my helpers, dashboards, automations etc stopped working. Not a big deal, just go through them one by one and change all the entity names from sensor.kh10_inverter_a_value to sensor.a_value. Good, done. Now only the automations aren't working. Turns out that all the unique ids have changed as well. Go through them using the UI and delete/replace the affected actions. Phew, I do believe everything is working again!

Moral. If it ain't broke, DO NOT FIX IT.
Lesson learned. Thank you.

Re: All's Well That Ends Well -ish

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 3:13 pm
by Dave Foster
I know your pain, i've had to fix that more than a few times for people...

Anyway glad you are back up and running again, it doesn't normally happen like this - firmware updates are usually pain free and new releases of the integration are usually the same... even when HA does it's best to break them.