All's Well That Ends Well -ish
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:14 pm
OK, Mr. Fox finally sorted out my inverter firmware update yesterday evening and I am a happy bunny with my KH10 all singing and dancing. But, and there always is a but, in my flailing around when the first update attempt hadn't worked I reinstalled my Fox ESS - Modbus integration. Reinstalled it a few times actually. This time I didn't give my inverter a friendly name. After all, keep it simple is a good rule. So, unfortunately that meant that all my helpers, dashboards, automations etc stopped working. Not a big deal, just go through them one by one and change all the entity names from sensor.kh10_inverter_a_value to sensor.a_value. Good, done. Now only the automations aren't working. Turns out that all the unique ids have changed as well. Go through them using the UI and delete/replace the affected actions. Phew, I do believe everything is working again!
Moral. If it ain't broke, DO NOT FIX IT.
Lesson learned. Thank you.
Moral. If it ain't broke, DO NOT FIX IT.
Lesson learned. Thank you.