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Missing Sensor - Again

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 12:58 pm
by HughInDevon

I posted this in the Home Assistant bit of the forum and didn't get a reply so apologies for reposting but I am hoping that someone might have an idea about this. It is very puzzling and I don't know where to go to find an answer.

I am using the NathanMarlor HA integration, version 1.13.4 (Thanks Dave!) which shows 81 entities. The ones I need for my automation project are the two associated settings for force discharge mode. I can access the Force Discharge Power, number.kh10_inverter_force_discharge_power but for the life of me I cannot find the Force Discharge Soc.

My KH10 inverter firmware versions are:
(ARM) Manager (KH10_Inverter) 1.22
Master (KH10_Inverter) 1.39
Slave (KH10_Inverter) 1.01

Maybe the ARM version is too old to show the FDSoc entity but it's odd that the FDPwr entity is present but not the other. Am I missing something?


Re: Missing Sensor - Again

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 1:14 pm
by Dave Foster
You're not missing anything - the force charge/discharge work modes are created within the integration as there is no access via modbus to the scheduler so we don't get any of those settings.

The Force work modes act more like the normal work modes where you set them at a certain time (or a condition) and then turn them off again when your exit conditions are met - so you will have to manage the SoC settings in your automation using a trigger when the battery_soc goes below 'xx%'

Re: Missing Sensor - Again

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:37 pm
by HughInDevon
Damn - just when I thought it was going to be straightforward to use Force Discharge. Set FDSoc to say 14%, start the FD and not have to worry about stopping it. Oh well, more “learning opportunity” I suppose.
Thanks anyway for setting me straight.

Re: Missing Sensor - Again

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:45 pm
by HughInDevon
Hi Dave,
Sorry to be a nuisance but could you clarify about using triggers. If my Start Force Discharge automation triggers on my “is it time” AND “Is SOC over 14%” then I am sure the automation will start but will it stop discharging when the soc falls to less than 14%, that is the behaviour I want, like a While condition of old.
Thanks again, Hugh