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Modbus connection

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:50 pm
by TonyHoyle

Just got around to installing modbus. There's one part of the wiki that's unclear to me:

"Your installer may have left you with some pins into which you insert your wires. These pins are approximately 2cm in length and have red ends. Insert your wires into the red ends of the pins and the pins into the connector."

I have a bunch of these pins, but I must be missing something as the pins provide nothing other than a guide to put the wire in.. they don't hold it at all, and don't make a good connection. Is there another step not listed?

Re: Modbus connection

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:01 pm
by Phil M
If it's the square 16 pin connector on the H or G series inverter, the pins are probably what are referred to as "bootlace" crimps, which essentially go onto the end of the wire like the plastic things on the end of laces, to tidy up the end and give a good connection. They need to be attached to the cable ends with a crimping tool, although you can do it with a pair of pliers if you're really careful. fitted mine last weekend but I didn't have any crimps/pins so just stuffed the ends of the Cat5 cable (insulator removed of course) into the plug and it's worked fine. Remember however that the picture of the plug in the manual is viewed from the front end and not the cable end, so you need to reverse the positions when installing the cables (hope that makes sense).


Re: Modbus connection

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:15 pm
by WyndStryke
Just for future reference, the pins look like this, I first used a crimping tool, but then noticed that the pins for the CT clamp had been flattened (and the connector seemed to expect flat pins), so I used pliers to flatten them too.

TBH I found the ethernet wires to be very difficult to work with, too small to be able to see clearly, and very fragile. Also the CT clamp buzzed as soon as the connector was removed, I think it might be better to unclip the CT clamp first, after taking a photo of it to confirm the direction & correct wire (putting it back in the wrong direction will give you many headaches).
