Export to excel

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How to export data to excel?
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If you are talking about exporting it from the Fox Cloud website, I don't believe that's possible. However it is possible to use Modbus via either the ethernet port or the RS485 serial port, and pull data into the platform of your choice. Home Assistant is very popular for this but anything that can "speak" Modbus should work.
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Has anyone used Windoze 10 pktmon.exe to sniff the app quires and component responses when you run search on a set of parameters?

Graham Fountain
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Not quite "export to Excel", but you can get data from the FoxESS website.

Set up the bottom panel of the inverter display with the metrics you want the data for and, before you press "search" (or pick a date) open the web developer tools on your browser (if you're using FireFox it's ctrl-shift-i ) and you'll be able to see the download data in the network section, download tab. It's json not csv. I've written some php programs to save that so I'm not sure if Excel can import it directly.
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mfred9 wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:19 pm Hi

How to export data to excel?
If your supplier gives you data as CSVs, as do Octopus, that's possibly another, other alternative.

I've been pasting the consumption and export data from them into a single Excel sheet for analysis, e.g. separating what's charged at night rate from that charged at day rate, subtracting what's earned, and adding standing charge, etc.

I know that's doing what the smart meter in-home display should do for me. But I can't get that IHD to subtract the payment for export from the cost of that imported.

I can get the data that the app uses to draw the lower area graph using the method that MarkRS suggests above, though as a .har file. I have got the data in that into Excel. But as I wasn't writing code for any of it, I used ctrl H in word several times to restructure the text, converted that into a table, and then pasted that into Excel for processing and plotting. It was a bit of a faff, but doable for a one-off trial.

But I'm not sure what I'd want of those data that the app don't already do with them. Whereas, what Octopus does with their data falls well short of what I want.

Graham Fountain
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I've been playing with the data from Octopus, and decided that I do want some data from the app for analysis. What I want is the values for meter2power (which in my case at least is the total power from the solar panels). I would like half hourly values, but the total value for the day would be a big step forward.

That will give me values for the savings I'm making, where the octopus data only gives me how much I pay overall, and what part of that comes from loss due to power I imported at night and then exported back in the day and gains from power I imported while it was cheap and used later. But it doesn't tell me what the bill would have been if I didn't have the system, i.e. how much it pays me overall.

So, I guess I have to look at monitoring the inverter direct. I have had a bit of a look, but I haven't yet found a simple, straight forward, lay-person's explanation of what system I need for that and what that will have to do, i.e. do I have to record all the time to have history, or is there long term storage in the inverter, etc.?

Graham Fountain
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I have now found where to get the day totals for the outputs from my two banks of panels and can enter that into the excel sheet I have. I'm doing it manually, but it's only two values for a day.

Graham Fountain
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