Battery SoC graph ?

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Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:18 am


Is it possible to get the battery SoC state graph available on the web version of the portal ?

All I have is a an icon with its percentage state b ut not how it alters through time - which the App does quite well, but is too small to see the detail.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1750
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Go to the inverter details page, scroll to the bottom and there is a blank graph with a drop down, select SoC and search
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:18 am

Thank you - but not on my web page unfortunately

At the bottom of the page I have graphs of the the usual lines of Output Power, feed In Power, Load Power, Grid/Consumption Power, Charge Power and Discharge Power.

Theres no drop down menu anywhere on the page

I dont believe the batteries are 'on the system' as the side menu has Inverter, datalogger, meter management and EMS - no sign of SoC being mentioned anywhere ?
Dave Foster
Posts: 1750
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

You need to go to the Inverter Details page, click the link circled here
Will take you to this page where at the bottom you have the blank graph at the bottom and you can select SoC
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:18 am

Awesome - your knowledge is so very helpful to all of us !
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:18 am

Another question if I may - I have looked down all the graphical options you directed me to above, in the hope of finding the equivalent of the 'solar' button on the App, showing the PV generation curve but cant find it.

The portal shows the 'Todays Yield kw-h' number and the App shows the 'PV Production' number and they agree, but I am looking to see the profile of the PV production on the web but cannot see it.

I have the system running fine now but am at the stage where I want to reduce the battery recharge off peak (0200 to 0500) as the batteries can probably charge safely from sunrise to 1600hrs when the peak export rate start. Theres no point carging up on Octopus at night before 0700 if the sun is up enough to fully charge the batteries and fulfil the house needs for free, if it can be done in time for the 1600hrs export start - and the graph will help me understand that better.

My Calculations

In my region, Octopus will charge up at 14.47p/kWh and sell back in the evening at 25.33p/kWh - a differential of 10.86p/kWh.

The batteries are 9.2kWh and I keep a reserve from discharge at peak rate until 0200 and that needs to be 30% based upon experience (and assuming no recharge after 7pm)

Effective battery capacity for reselling is therefore 9.2 x 70% x 10.86p/kWh = 70 pence per day

If the batteries are charged solely off solar, then the value sold is 9.2 x 70% x 25.33p/kWh = £1.63 per day

For 6 months a year, thats £293 without any solar sold when the batteries are fully charged - and the graph would help with this calculation as well.

Thanks again
Dave Foster
Posts: 1750
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

PV Generation over the day for all strings should be under the variable 'PVPower'
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