So after many hours of wrestling with the first adapter I finally managed to prove that it was indeed faulty. Bought another (Waveshare) and hey presto I'm linked to the inverter. Sadly the joy didn't last very long. The sensors were showing up but the stats were 'unavailable'. The following message appears once in the list of sensors
Connection Status changed to Error reading registers. Type: RegisterType.HOLDING; start: 36001; count: 3; slave: 247 from tcp:// Exception Response(131, 3, IllegalAddress)
I have also tried Modpol with this command:-
C:\Users\frank\Downloads\modpoll-3.15\win\modpoll.exe -m tcp -p 502 -a 247 -t 3 -0 -1 -c 16 -r 11000 but that also seems to fall over with the following message:-
C:\>C:\Users\frank\Downloads\modpoll-3.15\win\modpoll.exe -m tcp -p 502 -a 247 -t 3 -0 -1 -c 16 -r 11000
modpoll 3.15 - FieldTalk(tm) Modbus(R) Master Simulator
Copyright (c) 2002-2024 proconX Pty Ltd
Visit for Modbus libraries and tools.
Protocol configuration: MODBUS/TCP, FC4
Slave configuration...: address = 247, start reference = 11000 (PDU), count = 16
Communication.........:, port 502, t/o 1.00 s, poll rate 1000 ms
Data type.............: 16-bit register, input register table
-- Polling slave...
Invalid frame error!
Both these were run around midday so the inverter was definitely awake.
The inverter is a KH8 with the following versions:-
Master 1.34
Slave 1.01
Manager 1.28
I have asked FoxESS if these are the latest versions but no response so far.
The integration is 1.13.4 which I have reloaded at least twice and I have also rebooted HA as well.
I believe there can be some conflict between inverter versions and the FoxESS Modbus and wondered if anyone with a KH8 has encountered this failure to communicate.
As ever any help much appreciated.
Inverter data 'unavailable' in HA
- Posts: 1750
- Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm
So a couple of things, latest firmware versions are 1.37 Manager, 1.41 Master - you are on old firmware
The firmware you have won’t run automatically unless you go into the integration and select your Manager version - you do that in HA by going into Settings -> Devices & Services -> FoxESS - Modbus -> Configure -> Version settings and select your Manager version.
The modpoll command you are issuing won’t work as the KH doesn’t support input registers at 11000, you could try polling 31000 instead as a holding register (-t 4) and with a count of 4 (-c 4)
See how you get on when you have selected your Manager version - I’m not liking the Invalid frame error you got but the illegal address the integration reported for 36001 is a valid response for your old firmware version.
The firmware you have won’t run automatically unless you go into the integration and select your Manager version - you do that in HA by going into Settings -> Devices & Services -> FoxESS - Modbus -> Configure -> Version settings and select your Manager version.
The modpoll command you are issuing won’t work as the KH doesn’t support input registers at 11000, you could try polling 31000 instead as a holding register (-t 4) and with a count of 4 (-c 4)
See how you get on when you have selected your Manager version - I’m not liking the Invalid frame error you got but the illegal address the integration reported for 36001 is a valid response for your old firmware version.
- Posts: 52
- Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2024 9:16 pm
I have asked FoxESS if these are the latest versions but no response so far.
Manager versions from 1.33 onwards expose the BMS registers, the bms_cell_temp_low sensor is particularly useful if your system can get cold in winter.