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wie kann ich meine Daten aus FoxESSCloud exportieren und in Excel darstellen, bei mir will das einfach nicht funktionieren.
Die Daten werden immer in einem Format erstellt das Excel nicht vernünftig darstellen kann.
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In the app you can normally export all your data as a report by going to Services at the bottom of the Fox 2 app, click on Data and then submit a data report.
If you're doing that, what isn't working or doesn't make sense to you?
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Please be kind enough to post a screenshot of the app and highlight the button at the bottom of the that will take me to the 'Create Report' option.
At the bottom of the I only see three icons: 'Home', 'Device' and 'Me'.
What settings do I need to change to see this function?
Thank you very much!
Storage Inverter H3-12.0-E
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Dave Foster
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JKW wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:04 pm Please be kind enough to post a screenshot of the app and highlight the button at the bottom of the that will take me to the 'Create Report' option.
At the bottom of the I only see three icons: 'Home', 'Device' and 'Me'.
What settings do I need to change to see this function?
Thank you very much!
In the V2 app, click on 'Me' at the bottom, then choose 'Data', you have to manually enter your inverter serial number (which you can copy from the Device/Inverter page) - then select the range of data you want Day, Week, Month (or custom) and choose the format (start with Standard) - it will then download the data report to your device where you can view or download it to a file.
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Thank you - it kind of worked, but somehow I'm also lost because I don't know what the downloaded data means. ‘sn’ and 'time' is easy, but the other data is useless to me if I don't have a description. Where can I find such a legend/definition/description for the data?
It is about the following data:
protocol, masterState, etoday, generation, input, meterPowerR, meterPowerS, meterPowerT, generationPower, loadsPowerR, loadsPowerS, loadsPowerT, RVolt, RCurrent, RPower, RFreq, SVolt, SCurrent, SPower, SFreq, TVolt, TCurrent, TPower, TFreq, pv1Volt, pv1Current, pv1Power, pv2Volt, pv2Current, pv2Power, pv3Volt, pv3Current, pv3Power, pv4Volt, pv4Current, pv4Power, pv5Volt, pv5Current, pv5Power, pv6Volt, pv6Current, pv6Power, pv7Volt, pv7Current, pv7Power, pv8Volt, pv8Current, pv8Power, pv9Volt, pv9Current, pv9Power, pv10Volt, pv10Current, pv10Power, pv11Volt, pv11Current, pv11Power, pv12Volt, pv12Current, pv12Power, pv13Volt, pv13Current, pv13Power, pv14Volt, pv14Current, pv14Power, pv15Volt, pv15Current, pv15Power, pv16Volt, pv16Current, pv16Power, pv17Volt, pv17Current, pv17Power, pv18Volt, pv18Current, pv18Power, pv19Volt, pv19Current, pv19Power, pv20Volt, pv20Current, pv20Power, pv21Volt, pv21Current, pv21Power, pv22Volt, pv22Current, pv22Power, pv23Volt, pv23Current, pv23Power, pv24Volt, pv24Current, pv24Power, invTemperation, ambientTemperation, boostTemperation, dspTemprature, epsVoltR, epsCurrentR, epsPowerR, epsVoltS, epsCurrentS, epsPowerS, epsVoltT, epsCurrentT, epsPowerT, epsPower, todayYield, fault1, fault2, fault3, fault4, fault5, fault6, fault7, fault8, masterState, meterPower, meterPower2, meterStatus, meter2Status, cellTemperatureHigh, cellTemperatureLow, cellVoltageHigh, cellVoltageLow, cellVoltageHighHighPrecision, cellVoltageLowHighPrecision, epsFrequency, powerFactory, efficiency, batVolt, batCurrent, meterPowerR, meterPowerS, meterPowerT, meter2PowerR, meter2PowerS, meter2PowerT, dspTemprature, invInput, pvInputNumber, eTotaltime, powerFactory, reactivePower, apparentPower, peMonitoringFlag, cloudControlled, model, groupEnable, hostStandby, slaverNumber, feedinTotalTime, epsRunTotalTime, epsRunTimes, operatingMode, SystemInvNum, batTemperation, feedin, gridConsumption, loads, Meter1Power, paralGridPower, ExOutputPower, ARMActivelyReportsMessageEntries, ARMResponseMessageEntry, ControlledSlaverState, paralMeterPower2, SwitchState, isHistory
Storage Inverter H3-12.0-E
Storage ECS4300H-H6
Dave Foster
Posts: 1742
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JKW wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:27 pm Thank you - it kind of worked, but somehow I'm also lost because I don't know what the downloaded data means. ‘sn’ and 'time' is easy, but the other data is useless to me if I don't have a description. Where can I find such a legend/definition/description for the data?
It is about the following data:
protocol, masterState, etoday, generation, input, meterPowerR, meterPowerS, meterPowerT, generationPower, loadsPowerR, loadsPowerS, loadsPowerT, RVolt, RCurrent, RPower, RFreq, SVolt, SCurrent, SPower, SFreq, TVolt, TCurrent, TPower, TFreq, pv1Volt, pv1Current, pv1Power, pv2Volt, pv2Current, pv2Power, pv3Volt, pv3Current, pv3Power, pv4Volt, pv4Current, pv4Power, pv5Volt, pv5Current, pv5Power, pv6Volt, pv6Current, pv6Power, pv7Volt, pv7Current, pv7Power, pv8Volt, pv8Current, pv8Power, pv9Volt, pv9Current, pv9Power, pv10Volt, pv10Current, pv10Power, pv11Volt, pv11Current, pv11Power, pv12Volt, pv12Current, pv12Power, pv13Volt, pv13Current, pv13Power, pv14Volt, pv14Current, pv14Power, pv15Volt, pv15Current, pv15Power, pv16Volt, pv16Current, pv16Power, pv17Volt, pv17Current, pv17Power, pv18Volt, pv18Current, pv18Power, pv19Volt, pv19Current, pv19Power, pv20Volt, pv20Current, pv20Power, pv21Volt, pv21Current, pv21Power, pv22Volt, pv22Current, pv22Power, pv23Volt, pv23Current, pv23Power, pv24Volt, pv24Current, pv24Power, invTemperation, ambientTemperation, boostTemperation, dspTemprature, epsVoltR, epsCurrentR, epsPowerR, epsVoltS, epsCurrentS, epsPowerS, epsVoltT, epsCurrentT, epsPowerT, epsPower, todayYield, fault1, fault2, fault3, fault4, fault5, fault6, fault7, fault8, masterState, meterPower, meterPower2, meterStatus, meter2Status, cellTemperatureHigh, cellTemperatureLow, cellVoltageHigh, cellVoltageLow, cellVoltageHighHighPrecision, cellVoltageLowHighPrecision, epsFrequency, powerFactory, efficiency, batVolt, batCurrent, meterPowerR, meterPowerS, meterPowerT, meter2PowerR, meter2PowerS, meter2PowerT, dspTemprature, invInput, pvInputNumber, eTotaltime, powerFactory, reactivePower, apparentPower, peMonitoringFlag, cloudControlled, model, groupEnable, hostStandby, slaverNumber, feedinTotalTime, epsRunTotalTime, epsRunTimes, operatingMode, SystemInvNum, batTemperation, feedin, gridConsumption, loads, Meter1Power, paralGridPower, ExOutputPower, ARMActivelyReportsMessageEntries, ARMResponseMessageEntry, ControlledSlaverState, paralMeterPower2, SwitchState, isHistory
Many of those will be self explanatory, there is a variable table listed here ... ent.html#7 but it may not provide a lot more useful information as some things are for Fox use i.e. 'ARMResponseMessageEntry', 'fault1...8

Where you have a PV (solar) string you will get 3 values - volts, current and power these are real time values and the most useful is power as that tells you how much power you were generating at any one moment.

You then have the same for each of the three phases these are named R (for reference), S (for secondary) and T (for tertiary) and for each you will see frequency, volts, power and current.

Likewise you have your load power for each of the 3 phases

Your meter is not terribly useful (it is what measurements the inverter reads) but you might find it useful.

You have cell low and high voltages (not terribly useful)
You have cell low and high temperatures (very useful as the cell low temperature is what the BMS throttles the charge/discharge with if it is low).
batTemperation is the temperature recorded by the BMS (not very useful)

The useful temperature readings are the cell low and high, InvTemperation (the temp of the cooling fins on the back) and ambientTemperature (the internal temperature of the inverter)

feedin is the running total of all export, loads the running total of load power

generationpower is the inverters output negative is charge, positive is output

today yield total of all inverter output (either from solar, grid or battery) for today

EPS values are for the Emergency Power Supply all 3 phases (if fitted)
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