Using Home Assistant to control house battery and EV battery charging with octopus intelligent go

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Using Home Assistant to control house battery and EV battery charging with octopus intelligent go to prevent discharge of battery into the car.

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Thanks Will - excellent automation - solves a lot of problems!

I have an H1 inverter - so if you set the Minimum SoC it doesn't charge the battery at all (but does stop discharge) - so below is the code / automation I use to change the working mode.

  • When setting up, I created a blank automation, then used the 'id' for that and replaced the generated code with that below.
  • Also the notification is just so I could check it works reliably, will probably remove those after a few weeks
  • Replace the XXX with your entity / meter number
  • Is based on 7p / 25p import rates, at the point of creating this - can adjust according to need
  • This code goes into automations.yaml file - but be careful with any edits!

Enjoy... it may take some time to get the code working... but using ChatGPT can help a lot!

Code: Select all

- id: '1738061409369'
  alias: Set Inverter Mode based on electricity prices
  description: ''
  - entity_id: sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_current_rate
    trigger: state #this trigger happens whenever the electricity price is updated
  conditions: []
  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ states("sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_current_rate")
        | float > 0.20 }}' #checks if the current price is >£0.20 - adjust as needed
    - data:
        message: Trigger above 15p. Price is £{{ states("sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_current_rate")
        title: Rate change
      action: notify.mobile_app_pixel_6 #sends notification to my phone when change has been made
    - target:
        entity_id: select.work_mode
        option: Self Use
      action: select.select_option
    - data:
        message: Trigger below 15p. Price is £{{ states("sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_current_rate")
        title: Rate change
      action: notify.mobile_app_pixel_6
    - target:
        entity_id: select.work_mode
        option: Force Charge
      action: select.select_option
  mode: single
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