I have been provided a quote for:
10 off 420W JA Solar panels on a roof with west elevation
2 off EP5 batteries and junction box
1 off H1-3.7-E Hybrid inverter
I can't quite wrap my head around the sizing of the inverter so I wonder if you guys can point me in the right direction.
Here are my questions and any input would be appreciated:
- Does the 3.7kW relate only to the AC side of the inverter or is it the entire power path together?
- If the answer is yes its only the AC side then does that mean if I was somehow generating the absolute 4.2kW peak from the panels can I take 3.7kW out of the AC connection and dump the remaining 500W into the battery?
- What would the maximum charge rate be for the batteries if the panels were generating 4.2kW and nothing was being taken from the AC output?
- Are there any disadvantages to using two EP5's rather than an EP11, the contractor has said they are having to supply EP5's and JB's due to the lack of availability of EP11's?
- Is it better to under or oversize the inverter and does the inverter specified seem correct for the panels listed?
- If the panels were changed to Jinko 480W items or Aiko 455W would that require shifting up to the 5kW version of the inverter or better to stay as we are?
- Am I best off sticking to the West elevation only or would it be wise to split the panels between east and west?