FoxESS Octopus Agile Integration

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FoxESS Octopus Agile Integration
Community Admin / FoxESS Professional

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FoxESS Tri Inverter Installation
2 x KH Series Inverters
24 x HV2600 (62.4kWh)
32 x 490w across 4 arrays
Dual Tesla Household
Heatpump & Low Carbon Housebuild
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:53 am

I have Fox inverters and batteries.
52 x 440w panels
3 x H1-5.0-E-G2 Inverters
3 x 11520kWh Batteries

I am signed up to Agile but have found that the latest Time Slot Mode does not work. Success alert is registered but the charge does not happen. On one occasion one battery was charged, but not the other two so I ended up with over night charge of 80%, 10% and 10%. Not good. The manual time inputted charge and discharge works, but means checking rates each day whereas time slot should be automated. I also have issues, reported by others, that often success appears false as settings are not fixed but revert to earlier settings. I find the same problems using both Fox's app and web site.
Dave Foster
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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

On the update call last week, Fox said that for most users it works ok, but there are some (as yet reasons unknown) where there are problems - they have asked for those users that are affected and can provide specific details (i.e. not just it doesn't work) - to contact them on and let them have your Inverter serial number / Octopus api key - they will investigate these on a case by case basis.
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:53 am

Many thanks. I will contact them.

Just so you are aware there is a separate issue that my installer alerted me to back in July. The Fox app Home picture incorrectly states Load. According to my installer electrician the Load error is non-linear which means that the more power produced by the array the larger the reported Load and therefore the larger the error. So, with 15 kW power from 3 inverters the Loads may show, say 9kW when in reality the load is perhaps just 2-3 kW. For smaller arrays there is also an error, but it is smaller and less of an issue. This was reported (by my installer) to Fox months ago, but to date has not been fixed. This error is plainly more prevalent with larger arrays but I thought you should know if you have regular contact with Fox R & D.
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