Is he dead? H3 5.0e

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Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:38 am

Hi all,

My inverter H3 5.0e does not invert anymore. I have disconnected it to reset, even had it out for a couple of hours, but it does not come back. It is currently 'stuck' in a loop: 60s checking, restarting, 60s checking, restarting,...

This occured after two grid voltage spikes in the afternoon on wednesday, and giving a relay fault in the night.
2024-09-27 085334.png
Unfortunately my installer went bankrupt, so I am at loss what to do now. Any ideas?

Are there other ways of resetting?
Should I try to contact Foxess directly. The unit is still under warranty.

Dave Foster
Posts: 1186
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

No I don't think it's dead, it is reporting a grid voltage fault (too high) and also a relay fault.

Probably a good start is to go to the Foxcloud website, look at the inverter details page and in the graph at the bottom select 'RVolt' - that will show what your grid voltage is over time and highlight the highs and the lows - if you can post that, I can make some suggestions.

Alternatively this might be easier to fix if you get in touch with your local Fox service by email, send them your inverter serial number and explain your installer has gone bust - they can perform remote diagnostics and change settings.
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:38 am

Thank you, Dave.

The RVOLT spiked on 25th, but has not spiked again:
I followed the manual and disconnected the unit on 26th. First a few minutes, then for half an hour. Unfortunately it did not fix it, and does not invert anymore:
I did not touch it today:
It keeps being stuck in the loop: 60s checking, restarting, 60s checking, restarting,... No production either today...
flow 27-9.png
I'm in Belgium without local Fox service, but will contact them in the Netherlands.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1186
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Ok, your voltage looks good and is in-line with what you would expect so I think the relay fault (an internal error) is causing this - I know that Fox can remotely diagnose and have implemented fixes for this fault remotely - so will wait for Fox support to get back to you.

Appreciate it if you could let us know how it goes.
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:38 am

Thank you for support.

I had a very good experience with the customer service from the Netherlands.

First I emailed them, but got an automated message that I should use the online support ( I created a ticket at 14:49.
I got an email from them to confirm my phone number at 15:50, and a call at 16:25 with good news. It was a software issue, they updated it remotely and the whole system is up and running again. They promised to monitor for another week and if all keeps working as expected, they close the ticket.

I honestly didn't expect this and I am very positively suprised. This is a good start for the weekend! 8-)
Dave Foster
Posts: 1186
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

That’s great service - enjoy your weekend ☺️
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