How do I stop battery / inverter exporting to grid

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Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:56 pm

We have just had the solar fitted and are still finding our way around the app, also getting the Octopus account all set up and running.

We are still awaiting all the paperwork from the people that fitted the system but while we are waiting the system is exporting to the grid in a sense giving the grid free energy.....

Any way to stop this till the paperwork and account is all sorted
Dave Foster
Posts: 1517
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Unfortunately not easily (not without diving deep into the system settings), once your house load and batteries are charged the system will then send everything else to export.

Best not to think too much that you are giving it away, instead treat it as a learning exercise for how much energy you use in the house, the batteries consume and how much you can expect to get paid for in the month of September. :)
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:56 pm

Okay, thanks for that Dave..

So treat it like an overflow pipe to a header tank

Any excess goes back to the grid... It just that it looks like it's sending to the grid while battery is only getting to 60% and by 10pm the battery is at 0%

I know the battery is new and has to acclimatise will see how it goes.... It's a learning curve right now.. just as the heat pump was.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1517
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

I would expect your battery to get above 60% before anything goes back to the grid - unless you have a large PV array and a small battery stack, what is your system size ?

In the V2 app if you select Device and your battery, there is an ‘info’ tab and in there you can see a detailed graph of battery usage and also your SoC over time.
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