High negative House-Load and Feed-In shown instead of Consumption - only when EV Charger / Wallbox is used

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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:00 am

Hello everybody
just got our brand new FOX system installed but something seems strange....
A very high negative House-Load and a positive Feed-In shown instead of Consumption - only when EV Charger / Wallbox is used.

When not charging the car, the system shows reasonable figures:
not charging.png

When charging the car, the system shows a very high negative load on the house, and it keeps showing Feed-In, even though I actually consume a lot from the Grid then:

Photo of the GRID Meter (provided by the Electricity Company) showing that I actually consume energy from GRID
Meter GRID.jpg

Photo of the first Meter (after which the Wallbox is installed) showing the same consumption as the GRID Meter
Meter Wallbox.jpg

Photo of the second Meter (after which the Inverter is installed) showing the Power which the Inverter provides (and think's it is Feed-In) ??
Meter PV.jpg

Photo of the Inverter Power display:
Inverter Power.jpg

This is how the install looks like:

> GRID Meter (official)
> FOX Wallbox Meter >> Wallbox tap-off here
> manual EPS Switch (set to GRID)
> FOX Inverter Meter >> House tap-off here
> FOX ESS H3 8.0E Inverter (Grid socket, and here also the House is connected).

Why is this showing so wrong? Is the sequence not correctly installed or is there something wrongly configured?

Also, I think when I switch to EPS power, off Grid, the (second) Pv Meter gets fed by the EPS power and provides data to the Inverter.
Shouldn't in an EPS case, the PV SmartMeter be off and not send any data to the Inverter?

Sorry for so many questions and thanks for your support.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1148
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

From what you have said, it is correctly wired - you would normally have the EV connection (wallbox) in front of the inverter's meter so that the inverter doesn't see the load from it. The wallbox would then have it's own meter between that and the grid meter so it all looks correct.

The meter's themselves are showing what you expect with the inverter exporting it's surplus and the grid meter showing 5.9kw when the wallbox is taking nearly 10 so the net would be 9.8-5.9 = which is approx the excess solar generation.

I've never come across the wallbox in the app before but as the inverter meter cannot see it, it must be being added in the cloud with the inverter and wallbox both being in the same account.

The inverter is working correctly and exporting it's excess after covering the house load - there is no exceptional load on the batteries - so the EV charge point is correctly in front of it, so all in all this looks to be simply an app display issue.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:00 am

Thanks for your reply.

Negative Load display
Yes I agree, from the device sequence it seems alright in the normal onGrid operation mode.
it looks really like a display issue.

On the other little topic I mentionned in the last sentence (SmartMeter 2 seeing EPS power)
I am following up on a different thread with the Tech Support re my concerns about the second SmartMeter being installed after Grid/EPS changeover switch.
I think it needs to be moved up to right behind the Wallbox, and then comes the H3 and Changeover Switch ... But leaving this to the Elektric-Experts for now.... :D

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