There's no training on version 1 and I'm so confused!

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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:18 am

I live in the US, we just had this system installed a month ago, and I can't make heads or tails of this app (v.1.0.23) I don't know if grid import is what I import or what they import, so grid export is just as confusing :lol: and then it looks like solar, grid export and PV to grid are all the same, with almost no grid import, but the electric company says the house is using 200kwh while the app says we're generating 51, so why does it never show grid import? We're supposed to be on self-power mode, so shouldn't it all be going into the house, not out to the grid? I'm just so confused.
Is it exporting everything to the grid and we're only using grid power and never battery? Please help translate these graphs and terms :?: Thank you
Dave Foster
Posts: 1142
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Hi, we don't have that app here in the UK but i'll try and answer some of your questions - but the first is from me, which kind of inverter is it a solar only or hybrid (with batteries).

On the naming 'Grid Import' is everything you import from the grid and that should match reasonably closely with what your energy provider says - but it depends on which inverter you have (hence my question above).

Grid Export is everything you are sending (export) to the grid - if you are being paid for this by your energy provider it's an important figure.

Again depending on what kind of inverter you have, Solar (PV) is the amount of power you have generated from solar.

Load is the amount of power your home is consuming.

Looking at the numbers i'm guessing you have a solar only inverter, and unless you fit an optional meter to it, it is only capable of telling you how much solar it has generated and the export will be the same number as it thinks it is exporting it all to grid. Without the optional meter fitted the inverter also has no way of measuring the amount of load or the amount of import you have had - which could explain why these figures don't make sense.

On a solar only inverter without the optional meter, you will still be able to see how much solar you have generated but it can't work out how much went to your house load, exported or imported (so it just says it exports everything) - with the optional meter fitted it will be able to show these figures.
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