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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:52 pm

Call me old fashioned but I much prefer a good forum over facebook when it comes to finding information other have already posted so happy to see this, I hope its succesful.

I''ve currently waiting on my installation of a Fox Hybrid Inverter, Eddi Diverter, and 5.2Kw of batteries. I've got 9 panels going on my South facing roofs and another 13 going on North West facing roof (about 290 degrees). The North West roof feel like a bit of a gamble and its unlikely I would of gone ahead with it without the South facing panels justifying most of the expense of installation. I'm obviously expecting less from them but the installers predicted numbers looked resonable so will be interesting to see what I get from them.

Installation currently booked for the end of October with the batteries probably coming later. I'm a little worried about some of the Facebook posts I read this morning regarding pending ENA type testing for the Fox inverters and have a feeling that might end up delaying the install further (I've been waiting since April)

Thanks Will for all the info you have posted in the past its been an interesting read and you got me into Home Assistant which is currently running my lights, hot water and the presence detection side of my Honeywell Evo home heating all saving me a few pennies and more than covering the costs of having the server it lives on running all day.

Cheers, Dave...............
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Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:56 pm

Most welcome and welcome to the forum! Keen to hear how your install goes and your experience post install with the system.
Community Admin / FoxESS Professional

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FoxESS Tri Inverter Installation
2 x KH Series Inverters
24 x HV2600 (62.4kWh)
32 x 490w across 4 arrays
Dual Tesla Household
Heatpump & Low Carbon Housebuild
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