LV5200 - Optimal Settings Question

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:03 am

Hi All.

I'm a newbie to the 'Solar World' and don't really understand much about amps, volts, 'load' etc.

I've looked through the forum but don't see an answer to my question so if this is already covered elsewhere then maybe one of you kind souls can just drop the link here as a reply to my question.
  • I have a Solis inverter and a single LV5200 battery.
    I want to charge it overnight using my cheap tariff, but want to know what settings I need on my Solis inverter.
    I have attached the tech sheet for my battery and a picture of the current settings on the inverted (which I have not changed since original install)
I'd like to maximise the overnight rate so would like the optimum settings for the Solis inverter to charge the battery.

Thanks in advance
LV5200 Tech Sheet.png
Dave Foster
Posts: 1328
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

The battery is good for a 100A charge/discharge (assuming temp is ~ 20C), the limiting factor will be your Solis inverter which I think only has a 50A maximum - so you should set all charge/discharge values to 50A.

I'm not very familiar with Solis inverter timed charge settings but it looks straight forward enough, you might be better asking that question over on a Solis group
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:03 am

Thank you so much ... (hops over to Solis...)
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