FoxESS Cloud access - Home Assistant

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Dave Foster
Posts: 844
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm


Coming soon - FoxESS OpenAPI cloud access (Home Assistant)

This is just a quick update for the people using Home Assistant and the FoxESS Macxq cloud integration and may have been worried they will lose access when FoxESS discontinue the old cloud access in favour of the newer Foxess OpenAPI (shortly to be released).

With support from Tony Mathews the integration code has been re-written to use the Foxess OpenAPI to allow existing cloud installations to keep working.

The FoxESS OpenAPI is up and running but is still under development so small changes may yet occur, however the good news is we have a modified version of this integration working reliably and running on it.

There are many code changes to support this but from a users perspective it requires simply an update and minor config work to make this new version work -
You will need the Inverter Serial number and an apiKey (see note below in API access) all sensor entities will continue to work as before using the same naming conventions but the data will be gathered from the FoxESS OpenAPI.

The new OpenAPI provides more information and you will get the following additional sensors -
- sensor.foxess_residual_energy - this is the remaining residual energy in the battery kWh reported by the system BMS.
- sensor.foxess_bat_minsoc - the MinSoC setting of your system
- sensor.foxess_bat_minsocongrid - the MinSoC on Grid setting of your system

Open API Access and Limits
The FoxESS OpenAPI access is limited and you must have a personal_api_key to access it, you can generate your personal api key in the user profile of your account at the FoxESS cloud.

Please note - this version is not yet on open release, but will available as soon as all the testing is complete and the OpenAPI is confirmed stable - watch this space.
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