Battery charge setting access

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I've just raised a ticket via the app as I also have this issue.

Fox ESS H1 3.7 Hybrid inverter
14 x JA 405 watts solar (5.67 kw)
Fox ESS Cube 5 x 4.03kw (20.1kw)
Dave Foster
Posts: 1184
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Dave Foster wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:59 pm
TonyDurrant wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:36 pm Thanks Dave!

Has anybody raised a ticket yet or is aware of ticket having been raised?
I’m sure they know they have problems, but I haven’t seen a statement (which normally happens when lots of people complain at the same time) - as there are a lot of frustrated users it can’t hurt to keep telling them.
Clearly a lot of users are getting on to them, this has just come out from the UK support lead
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I think the issue is this has been going on for quite a while and its at the worst time of the year as now is the time when people are most reliant on force charging. I've no doubt they'll fix it, but its costing those who can't force charge in the cheap window of their tariffs a lot of money.

As for the v2.0 app, unfit for release is an understatement. My initial impressions were dreadful and now Energy Stats is working again and showing actual PV production I don't use the Fox App at all.
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Another one here with the timeout error when trying to get into battery settings on the app :(

Sounds like a server side issue. Hopefully not a Great Firewall of China issue.... ?
Dave Foster
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Please see the latest update and statement from FoxESS, click on the image to enlarge

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IanHx wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:18 am Another one here with the timeout error when trying to get into battery settings on the app :(

Sounds like a server side issue.
When I make a request to see the current time settings through their website, I currently don't see any corresponding request from their side to my inverter to fetch those values. (When it is working, you do see that request.) So yes, entirely within their infrastructure.
Hopefully not a Great Firewall of China issue.... ?
Well, since the address used for both access, and comms to the inverter, is allegedly in Frankfurt according to whois data, unlikely.
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Dave Foster wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:08 am Please see the latest update and statement from FoxESS, click on the image to enlarge
I think this is important: they can claim that the API/protocol is internal all they like (though I think there really should be a public, documented, supported API), but each time this has happened their own public website,, gets exactly the same error. And as far as I can tell, immediately so, not later due to some rollback. Surely third parties cannot be blamed for that.

More recently: it was working earlier in the week. What did they change *on Friday evening* to break it, knowing that there have been problems with it only a few weeks earlier?
Dave Foster
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As per the recent post from the Foxess UK support manager the cloud problems may continue to persist for a little while longer, the UK support team are essentially product support engineers and they need the R&D team to correct this so there isn't much they can do (apart from apologise) until it is resolved.

I have copied my post from the previous page as guidance for those that wish to set the charge periods through the inverter panel - the inverter will continue to be fully functional.

I am told that for those on the latest firmware and using the Energy Stats app it is possible to set schedules to Force Charge - but the normal charge periods continue to time out.

You can however change the normal charge periods 1 & 2 at the inverter panel in Settings, Work Mode, Charge Time (the inverter passcode is usually 0,0,0,0).

Set P1 or P2 times to whatever you want (or reset them by setting to 00:00-00:00)

Then make sure it is set to En (enabled) for grid charge, or Dis (disabled) to turn off

Fig 1. Inverter menu structure from the front panel (charge period highlighted)


Fig 2. This is what the charge period settings look like at the inverter panel with charge period 1 (P1) set to 23:30-05:29 and grid charge (En)abled


It is clearly very frustrating, in the meantime thank you for your understanding and continued patience.
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I don't know when Foxess going to battery settings.
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Functionality appears to have been restored at 1AM last night.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1184
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

jsfoxe wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 10:29 am Functionality appears to have been restored at 1AM last night.
I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed 😊
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