Myenergi Zappi automation to protect hybrid battery during Eco Tariff

Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

This automation was written for systems that have the Zappi and Foxess Hybrid systems and use eco tariffs to charge the EV overnight.

When the Zappi charger is on it will draw power from the batteries as well as the grid, unless the batteries are themselves being protected from discharge by a force charge window.

This automation ensures that if the Zappi charger starts up during the eco tariff hours and starts to draw power from the batteries (i.e. no charge window exists) that a force charge window is set in 'Period 2' for the entire duration of the Eco period, and once the eco period is over it will clear the charge period in Period 2.

It needs a home assistant and the RS485 Foxess Modbus integration to operate.

There are 2 datetime helpers creating for Eco Start Period and Eco End Period.

The helpers are created under Settings, Devices & Services, Helpers (at the top), click on + Create Helpers, then choose 'Date and/or Time' and set them as follows -
Once created, click on the Helpers and set them to your Eco tariff i.e. for Economy 7 it would be 1:30am for start and 08:30am for the end.

The Automation works by monitoring the Zappi charger and the battery discharge and if both are above 3kW then it will set a Force Charge in Period 2 (but Grid charge turned off) for the Eco tariff period which will protect the batteries from any further discharge.

Once the Eco tariff period is over it will clear Period 2 - Note: this will not affect whatever has been set in Period 1.

It will log all it's actions in Logbook.

The Automation code is as follows, please note that you will have to enter some information that is unique to your system, they are detailed below the code.

Code: Select all

alias: Zappi Home Battery Protect with EM
description: >-
  IF Zappi starts charging at high power and no charge windows are set then auto
  set a force charge window for eco tariff period and reset when eco tariff has
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
  - condition: or
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ now().strftime('%H:%M') ==
          states('input_datetime.eco_end_period')[:5] }}
      - condition: and
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.myenergi_lymm_6_greenacres_power_charging
            above: 4000
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.battery_discharge
            above: 3
  - if:
      - condition: time
        before: input_datetime.eco_end_period
        after: input_datetime.eco_start_period
      - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
          inverter: 84609677d0bc2a5f9fb29beba3f27565
          enable_force_charge: true
          enable_charge_from_grid: false
          start: "{{ states('input_datetime.eco_start_period') }}"
          end: "{{ states('input_datetime.eco_end_period') }}"
          charge_period: "2"
        enabled: true
      - service: logbook.log
          name: Battery Protect
          message: >-
            EV Charging and no charge period set, Protecting batteries - Start
            {{states('input_datetime.eco_start_period')}}, End
      - if:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ now().strftime('%H:%M') ==
              states('input_datetime.eco_end_period')[:5] }}
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 5
              seconds: 0
              milliseconds: 0
          - if:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: binary_sensor.time_period_2_enable_force_charge
                state: "on"
              - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
                  inverter: 84609677d0bc2a5f9fb29beba3f27565
                  enable_force_charge: false
                  enable_charge_from_grid: false
                  start: "00:00:00"
                  end: "00:00:00"
                  charge_period: "2"
                enabled: true
              - service: logbook.log
                  name: Battery Protect
                  message: Removing period 2 settings
              - service: logbook.log
                  name: Battery Protect
                  message: Period 2 was already reset
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent

As the Zappi sensor name is unique to your installation you will need to update the 'conditions:' line that contains the Zappi sensor in it and replace it with your sensor.myenergi name, it looks like this 'sensor.myenergi_xxxxxxx_power_charging'

As the Inverter 'device' is also unique to your installation you will need to update the device name in the code with your inverter device - you can find your inverter device_ID by creating a new blank automation, click '+Add Action', and choose 'Call Service', in the 'Service' box start to type 'Foxess - modbus' and choose the item in the list 'FoxESS - Modbus: Update Charge Period'

In the box below for 'Inverter' click in the 'Device' box and choose your inverter (there will usually only be one unless you have multiple inverters), now click on the three dots in the right corner of this action and select 'Edit in Yaml'.

You will see your inverter device ID (see the image below), this is your unique inverter device ID and must be copy and pasted into the automation code above in the 2 places that you see 'inverter: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
You can exit this screen by clicking the <- Arrow in the top left corner of the New Automation screen and choose 'Leave' to exit without saving.

And that's that, the automation will check each minute to see if the Zappi is charging and the Home Battery being discharged and if it is during the Eco Tariff period, it will set Period 2 for the duration of the Eco Tariff and clear it when finished.
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:33 pm

Thank you so much for this Dave.
I have managed to get it onto my HA and updated a few bits (I already had helpers in place for the off peak period to allow me to work out billing prices)
Going to give it a test one night to make sure it all works, then ill report back

That Call Service instruction is game changing. That's the main bit I couldn't work out how to use to change the charge period and state.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

AndyB wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:30 am Thank you so much for this Dave.
I have managed to get it onto my HA and updated a few bits (I already had helpers in place for the off peak period to allow me to work out billing prices)
Going to give it a test one night to make sure it all works, then ill report back

That Call Service instruction is game changing. That's the main bit I couldn't work out how to use to change the charge period and state.
Your welcome, until that service call was introduced you used to have to keep track of time period 1 & 2 independently, and now the integration does all of that for you - as you say game changing :)

If you have any problems just let me know, here or on FB
Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

This is for Frank, it simply protects batteries if the Zappi is charging and the battery is discharging heavily.

You will need to put in your zappi‘s named sensor for myenergi_youzappiname_power_charging and you’ll need your inverters device name from the modbus - if you read the main post at the top it’ll tell you how to find your inverter device.

Code: Select all

alias: Zappi EV Home Battery Discharge Protect
description: >-
  IF Zappi starts charging at high power and no charge windows are set then auto
  set a force charge window for 30 minutes and reset whem delay has elapsed
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /20
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.myenergi_yourzappiname_power_charging
    above: 4000
    enabled: true
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.battery_discharge
    above: 3
    enabled: true
  - variables:
      initial_delay: 15
  - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
      enable_force_charge: true
      enable_charge_from_grid: false
      start: "{% set tstart= now().strftime('%H:%M:00') %}{{ tstart }}"
      end: >
        {% set thnow=now().strftime('%H')|int %} {% set
        tmnow=now().strftime('%M')|int %} {% if thnow==23 and tmnow>=30 %}{% set
        tendmins=0 %}{% else %}{% set tendmins=(thnow*60+tmnow)|int(0)+30 %}{%
        endif %} {% set thours = tendmins//60 %}{% set
        tmins=tendmins-(thours*60) %} {% if thours > 23 %} {% set thours=23
        %}{%endif%} {% if tmins > 59 %}{% set tmins=59 %}{%endif%} {% set
      charge_period: "2"
      inverter: 84609677d0bc2a5f9fb29beba3f27565
  - variables:
      initial_delay: |
        {% set thnow=now().strftime('%H')|int %}
        {% set tmnow=now().strftime('%M')|int %}
        {% if thnow==23 and tmnow >=30 %}
          {% set tdiff=60-tmnow %}
        {% else %}
          {% set tdiff=30 %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ tdiff|int }}
  - service: logbook.log
      message: EV Charging, protect batteries, delay for {{ initial_delay|int(30) }}
      name: Battery Protect
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: "{{ initial_delay|int(30) }}"
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
      enable_force_charge: false
      enable_charge_from_grid: false
      start: "00:00:00"
      end: "00:00:00"
      charge_period: "2"
      inverter: 84609677d0bc2a5f9fb29beba3f27565
  - service: logbook.log
      message: End of Protect, reset charge times
      name: Battery Protect
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:43 pm

Dave Foster wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:52 pm This is for Frank, it simply protects batteries if the Zappi is charging and the battery is discharging heavily.

You will need to put in your zappi‘s named sensor for myenergi_youzappiname_power_charging and you’ll need your inverters device name from the modbus - if you read the main post at the top it’ll tell you how to find your inverter device.
That was amazingly kind of you. Thank you! :D
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:33 pm

Dave Foster wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:28 am
AndyB wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:30 am Thank you so much for this Dave.
I have managed to get it onto my HA and updated a few bits (I already had helpers in place for the off peak period to allow me to work out billing prices)
Going to give it a test one night to make sure it all works, then ill report back

That Call Service instruction is game changing. That's the main bit I couldn't work out how to use to change the charge period and state.
Your welcome, until that service call was introduced you used to have to keep track of time period 1 & 2 independently, and now the integration does all of that for you - as you say game changing :)

If you have any problems just let me know, here or on FB
Apologies for the huge delay in updating, because annoyingly I haven't needed to charge the car for a while.
Anyway, did it last night and all worked perfectly.
Big thumbs up for writing this one Dave.
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:33 pm

Dave Foster wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:28 am
AndyB wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:30 am Thank you so much for this Dave.
I have managed to get it onto my HA and updated a few bits (I already had helpers in place for the off peak period to allow me to work out billing prices)
Going to give it a test one night to make sure it all works, then ill report back

That Call Service instruction is game changing. That's the main bit I couldn't work out how to use to change the charge period and state.
Your welcome, until that service call was introduced you used to have to keep track of time period 1 & 2 independently, and now the integration does all of that for you - as you say game changing :)

If you have any problems just let me know, here or on FB
Hi @Dave Foster

Would you be so kind as to cast your eye over this automation please.
Now i have managed to sign up to Intelligent Octopus with the Zappi, the charging requirements have changed slightly. Now, when IO is giving me a charge outside the normal off peak period (23:30 to 0530) i would like the battery to start charging at the same time to give it a boost, if required.

So far, i have taken the original automation and tweaked it to say, if the car is charging at high power, set the charge period 2 to 05:30 to 23:30 (ie cover the rest of the day) and then set the force charge to yes. This should stop the battery discharging (just like the original automation), but also boost it as well.

My input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end is set as 05:30 and my input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start is set as 23:30 (i use these helpers to calculate my bill prices based on energy used during the day / night)

If this looks OK to you, would you be able to confirm where i would put an entry that would only start charging the battery if it was below say 30% at that time. I'm guessing this would be at the start with the trigger.
Thinking about it though, that would generate a different outcome, as if the battery is above the set limit (say 30%), then i'd be back to wanting it to save the battery and just run the house from the mains (thinking emoji)

Code: Select all

alias: Zappi Home Battery Charge when using IO
description: >-
  If Zappi starts charging at high power due to IO and no charge windows are set then auto
  set a force charge window outside eco tariff period and charge battery, then reset when IO has
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
  - condition: or
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ now().strftime('%H:%M') ==
          states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end')[:5] }}
      - condition: and
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.myenergi_home_power_charging
            above: 4000
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.battery_discharge
            above: 3
  - if:
      - condition: time
        before: input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end
        after: input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start
      - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
          inverter: SerialNumber
          enable_force_charge: true
          enable_charge_from_grid: true
          start: "{{ states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end') }}"
          end: "{{ states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start') }}"
          charge_period: "2"
        enabled: true
      - service: logbook.log
          name: Battery Protect
          message: >-
            EV Charging and no charge period set, Protecting batteries - Start
            {{states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start')}}, End
      - if:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ now().strftime('%H:%M') ==
              states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end')[:5] }}
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 5
              seconds: 0
              milliseconds: 0
          - if:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: binary_sensor.time_period_2_enable_force_charge
                state: "on"
              - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
                  inverter: SerialNumber
                  enable_force_charge: false
                  enable_charge_from_grid: false
                  start: "00:00:00"
                  end: "00:00:00"
                  charge_period: "2"
                enabled: true
              - service: logbook.log
                  name: Battery Protect
                  message: Removing period 2 settings
              - service: logbook.log
                  name: Battery Protect
                  message: Period 2 was already reset
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Just had a quick look, I think i'm a bit confused by what it's doing, i'll tell you what I think it's going to do and you tell me if that's right :)

You check every minute the conditions,

There are 2 conditions which are OR'd

The first is a template check to see if the time now HH:MM is equal to input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end (which is 05:30)

So if it is 05:30 in the morning the condition will be true, and the rest of the automation will run.

The second condition is the test for your Zappi on so that's > 4,000W AND battery discharging > 3kw - if that true the rest of the automation will run.

This is the bit I get confused with, the first 'IF' test is checking to see if the time now is before peak_end (05:30) and after peak_start (23:30) so that will only be true when the time is between 23:31-05:29am (low tariff)

If it is between 23:31 & 05-29am it will set the inverter charge period 2 to start at 05:30 and end at 23:30 and to charge from grid (high tariff?)

The 'ELSE' at the bottom will only activate when the time now HH:MM is 05:30, it checks to see if a charge has been set and if it has it will clear charge period 2

So, a couple of things -

It feels like the first IF test should be the other way round *after* peak_end and *before* peak_start - then it will only do this if it detects Zappi charging between 05:30 & 23:30 (which implies you've got a free slot during the day)

The second thing that worries me is if you only get 2 hours outside the normal low tariff, you've set your battery to charge for the entirety of the day, and won't reset it until 05:30 the next day - sounds expensive?.

I'm thinking in an ideal world because of the 30 minute charging windows Octopus give you, you would have another automation check every minute and look to see if Period 2 has been set, if it has and the Zappi has stopped charging > 4,000W then you clear Charge Period 2 and stop the battery as well.

The two automations would then work together, one turning it on, the other turning it off (You could do it all in one automation but it would be easier to add your battery test to it if you leave it as 2 separate ones).

I'll leave you to see if I read that right, let me know what you think - i'm happy to help review / code something :)
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:33 pm

Dave Foster wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:28 pm Just had a quick look, I think i'm a bit confused by what it's doing, i'll tell you what I think it's going to do and you tell me if that's right :)

You check every minute the conditions,

There are 2 conditions which are OR'd

The first is a template check to see if the time now HH:MM is equal to input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end (which is 05:30)

So if it is 05:30 in the morning the condition will be true, and the rest of the automation will run.

The second condition is the test for your Zappi on so that's > 4,000W AND battery discharging > 3kw - if that true the rest of the automation will run.

This is the bit I get confused with, the first 'IF' test is checking to see if the time now is before peak_end (05:30) and after peak_start (23:30) so that will only be true when the time is between 23:31-05:29am (low tariff)

If it is between 23:31 & 05-29am it will set the inverter charge period 2 to start at 05:30 and end at 23:30 and to charge from grid (high tariff?)

The 'ELSE' at the bottom will only activate when the time now HH:MM is 05:30, it checks to see if a charge has been set and if it has it will clear charge period 2

So, a couple of things -

It feels like the first IF test should be the other way round *after* peak_end and *before* peak_start - then it will only do this if it detects Zappi charging between 05:30 & 23:30 (which implies you've got a free slot during the day)

The second thing that worries me is if you only get 2 hours outside the normal low tariff, you've set your battery to charge for the entirety of the day, and won't reset it until 05:30 the next day - sounds expensive?.

I'm thinking in an ideal world because of the 30 minute charging windows Octopus give you, you would have another automation check every minute and look to see if Period 2 has been set, if it has and the Zappi has stopped charging > 4,000W then you clear Charge Period 2 and stop the battery as well.

The two automations would then work together, one turning it on, the other turning it off (You could do it all in one automation but it would be easier to add your battery test to it if you leave it as 2 separate ones).

I'll leave you to see if I read that right, let me know what you think - i'm happy to help review / code something :)
Hi Dave

Thanks for having a look. Sorry I am tinkering with your original script that works and trying to understand it so I can make changes all at the same time.
With the original script it was designed to stop the house battery being drained if it wasnt being charged on the off peak, but the car was. With this update, the plan is to update that as the car could charge at any time during the day and therefore, if possible, might as well charge the house battery at the same time.

Yes the first two timers are the wrong way round, missed those. I'll update that.

If the car starts to charge outside the 23:30 to 05:30 window (Zappi is pulling 4kW, battery is draining at 3kW), set Charge Period 2 to 05:30 to 23:30 and turn on forced charge. This will charge the house and car at the same time.
Once the IO charge period stops, the Zappi returns to 0. At this point, if I understand the original script, the last THEN statement should kick in, set the Charge Period 2 back to 00:00 to 00:00 and turn off the force charge from grid, stopping the house battery charging.
Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Hi Andy,

I think this is more what you are looking for, you need the template test in conditions to check for the time being between 05:30 and 23:30 combined with the other 2 conditions.

So basically it will proceed if it's between 05:30 & 23:30 OR your (Zappi is charging >4000W and the battery is discharging > 3kw).

If the Zappi is charging and battery discharging, it will then set Period 2 on and force charge the battery, but if the Zappi isn't charging, it will then check and reset the charge period if it is set.

I can't test it as my variables are different to yours but it looks to be ok.

Code: Select all

alias: Zappi Home Battery Charge when using IO
description: >-
  If Zappi starts charging at high power due to IO and no charge windows are set
  then auto set a force charge window outside eco tariff period and charge
  battery, then reset when IO has ended
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
  - condition: or
      - condition: and
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.myenergi_home_power_charging
            above: 4000
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.battery_discharge
            above: 3
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ (now().strftime('%H:%M') >=
          states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end')[:5]) and
          (now().strftime('%H:%M') <=
          states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start')[:5]) }}
  - if:
      - condition: and
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.myenergi_home_power_charging
            above: 4000
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.battery_discharge
            above: 3
      - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
          inverter: SerialNumber
          enable_force_charge: true
          enable_charge_from_grid: true
          start: "{{ states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end') }}"
          end: "{{ states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start') }}"
          charge_period: "2"
        enabled: true
      - service: logbook.log
          name: Battery Protect
          message: >-
            EV Charging and no charge period set, Protecting batteries - Start
            {{states('input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start')}}, End
      - if:
          - condition: and
              - condition: numeric_state
                entity_id: sensor.myenergi_home_power_charging
                below: 100
          - if:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: binary_sensor.time_period_2_enable_force_charge
                state: "on"
              - service: foxess_modbus.update_charge_period
                  inverter: SerialNumber
                  enable_force_charge: false
                  enable_charge_from_grid: false
                  start: "00:00:00"
                  end: "00:00:00"
                  charge_period: "2"
                enabled: true
              - service: logbook.log
                  name: Battery Protect
                  message: Removing period 2 settings
              - service: logbook.log
                  name: Battery Protect
                  message: Period 2 was already reset
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent

Andy Pymer
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:58 pm

Hi Dave

I gave this automation a go, but it didn't work, and then I noticed that some of the entities seem to be different - namely

## Battery: Discharge sensor.inverter_modbus_invbatpower

## Time Period 2 Enable Charge from grid: binary_sensor.inverter_modbus_time_period_2_enable_charge_from_grid

## Flag: Clear / Detected

## Period 2 Start: sensor.inverter_modbus_time_period_2_start

## Period 2 Stop: sensor.inverter_modbus_time_period_2_end

I'm wondering why this is, and if this is the case, will the inverter fields be different??

Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Andy Pymer wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:05 pm Hi Dave

I gave this automation a go, but it didn't work, and then I noticed that some of the entities seem to be different - namely

## Battery: Discharge sensor.inverter_modbus_invbatpower

## Time Period 2 Enable Charge from grid: binary_sensor.inverter_modbus_time_period_2_enable_charge_from_grid

## Flag: Clear / Detected

## Period 2 Start: sensor.inverter_modbus_time_period_2_start

## Period 2 Stop: sensor.inverter_modbus_time_period_2_end

I'm wondering why this is, and if this is the case, will the inverter fields be different??

This thread has become a bit confusing as there are three different automations on here, the one at the top is still valid for protecting your batteries and is documented for the standard sensor names from the Foxess modbus integration if you have the older StealthChesnut sensors they may be named slightly differently.

Can you tell me which integration you have - if it is Nathan's it looks like you have given it a name 'inverter_modbus' which is then appended to all your sensor names, the sensor names referenced here are the standard default with no inverter name specified (that's normally only used with multiple inverter configurations) so you should just find adding 'inverter_modbus' to all the sensor names in the automation then matches up to yours.

Your battery discharge sensor should be called sensor.inverter_modbus.battery_discharge, the sensor sensor.inverter_modbus_invbatpower is similar but swings positive and negative depending on whether you are charging or discharging.

The Zappi always has a name specific to your installation so you will have to use the sensor it provides that matches and the inverter always has a unique device name (specific to your installation), the top post shows you how to find it.
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:55 am

'As the Zappi sensor name is unique to your installation you will need to update the 'conditions:' line that contains the Zappi sensor in it and replace it with your sensor.myenergi name, it looks like this 'sensor.myenergi_xxxxxxx_power_charging''

Please could you tell me where I can find the sensor.myenergi_xxxxxxx_power_charging'' name. I have looked in the HA zappi integration and cannot find it.
FoxESS H1 Hybrid Inverter H1-5.0-E
5kW of Inverter Power
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics 4.950 kW Total Solar Power
11 x 450 Watt Panels (DM450M10RT-B54HBT) 4,844 kWh per year
FoxESS EP5 x 4 20.72kWh of Battery Storage
Emlite 1-ph Bi-Directional generation meter 100A (1000 pulse/kWh) EM-ECA2-BI
Car Charger Zappi EV Charger 7 kW Single Phase Tethered White EV Charger ZAPPI-2H07TW
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:55 am

Have found the Zappi name of my installation just can not find the sensor element the sensor.myenergi_XXXXX_power_charging or is it found in the code?
FoxESS H1 Hybrid Inverter H1-5.0-E
5kW of Inverter Power
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics 4.950 kW Total Solar Power
11 x 450 Watt Panels (DM450M10RT-B54HBT) 4,844 kWh per year
FoxESS EP5 x 4 20.72kWh of Battery Storage
Emlite 1-ph Bi-Directional generation meter 100A (1000 pulse/kWh) EM-ECA2-BI
Car Charger Zappi EV Charger 7 kW Single Phase Tethered White EV Charger ZAPPI-2H07TW
Dave Foster
Posts: 1537
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

ehoconnor wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 2:00 pm Have found the Zappi name of my installation just can not find the sensor element the sensor.myenergi_XXXXX_power_charging or is it found in the code?
In HA if you got to Settings, Devices & Services - find the Myenergi integration and click on where it says 'x' Devices.

Then choose the device that usually listed as your address (the other usually listed as zappi-{serial number]), and in the section under Diagnostic, the 3rd one down is usually the 'power charging' sensor - click on that, click on the little cog in the top right hand corner and the entity ID is listed 5th line down something like `sensor.myenergi_{your identifier or address}_power_charging` - that's the name you need.

When you click on it you should see a graph that shows when the charger is being used, displaying power in watts.
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Many thanks I will give it a go.
FoxESS H1 Hybrid Inverter H1-5.0-E
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Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics 4.950 kW Total Solar Power
11 x 450 Watt Panels (DM450M10RT-B54HBT) 4,844 kWh per year
FoxESS EP5 x 4 20.72kWh of Battery Storage
Emlite 1-ph Bi-Directional generation meter 100A (1000 pulse/kWh) EM-ECA2-BI
Car Charger Zappi EV Charger 7 kW Single Phase Tethered White EV Charger ZAPPI-2H07TW
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Hi Dave,

I'm posting a reply here as I have been reading through these posts and your automations trying to find a way to do what I want in my automation. Basically I have various helpers that allow me to set times and then I want to use these time values in various calculations to work out when to start a forced discharge.

To make the arithmetic simple I want to get the time values in decimal hours rather than hh:mm format. I naively thought it would be as simple as MyInputTime.hours + MyInputTime.minutes/60. Something like that anyway.
Thanks to some earlier help I now know that {{ states('input_datetime.FD_SetWindowEndTime')}} will actually return the string with the hh:mm but I am baffled as to how to extract the values of the hours and minutes from the string. I have searched the HA documentation but found nothing that helps.

I don't even know if what I want to do is possible. If it isn't then I'll try to think of another way to do my automation. But if you can help it would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Hugh
KH10 with 4 off ECS4800 batteries.
20 Jinko 435W panels in 2 strings. 10 on house, south facing, 10 on barn, east facing.
Solar installation active on 27/11/2024. Export MPAN active on 30.12/2024.
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Hi Dave,

Once again it's YAML 1, Hugh 0 so asking for a bit of help again. I am trying to write an automation by entering the code in automations.yaml rather than using the ui. I am basing my automation on the code you have submitted in this thread as it seems to be very close to what I am going to need.

I have made a start with a very simple automation that just sends a notification when it is triggered. But, studio code editor flags problems with the indentations I am using For info, these are all spaces, not tabs. I have tried changing the indentations but nowt seems to work. This is the code:

Code: Select all

- id:  'b4c1c069-687d-437b-89fb-fef074e211ba'
  alias: FD_AutomationOne 
  description: > 
    Triggered when standard low tariff period starts
- trigger: time
- action: notify.persistent_notification
    metadata: {}
      message: 'FD_AutomationOne has triggered'    
  mode: single
I don't know how to post the actual output from Studio Code Editor so I will try and describe it:
In the line metadata: {} there is a funny double underlining with a sawtooth that starts at the colon and ends at the last }.
The line starting data: has a flag 'bad indentation of a mapping entry' as does the line starting message:

Thanks in advance, Hugh
KH10 with 4 off ECS4800 batteries.
20 Jinko 435W panels in 2 strings. 10 on house, south facing, 10 on barn, east facing.
Solar installation active on 27/11/2024. Export MPAN active on 30.12/2024.
Zappi V2 charger and 2 EVs.
Currently on Octopus Intelligent Go tariff.
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Dave Foster
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I'd recommend strongly against editing the automations.yaml file, they really don't want you to do that and it can cause a lot of heartache. I have written code in one version of home assistant, sent it to someone as yaml in a different version of home assistant and it corrupted the automation.yaml as they had changed the formatting between versions - if you stay in the visual editor to set up the framework, save it and then edit that in the automation editor (Settings, Automations & Scenes) it's so much easier.

If you want to edit in yaml, it is better to create a blank automation and then in the visual editor click the 3 buttons in the top right corner and choose Edit in Yaml.

At least that way you only have to worry about the code within the automation and not the spacing and the id's etc... you get in the main file - the other benefit is you can switch back and forth between visual and yaml and it won't let you save it if there is bad information in the text (whereas with the automation.yaml you can save it and you might get a lot of undesired effects).

For example in your code above the '- id:' is a unique reference allocated by home assistant and you won't see that in the automation itself, also there are a number of markers put down within the automation that seperate the stages i.e. you should have 'triggers:' as a section before the -at: and you are missing a space between the 'at:' & 'input_datetime.fd_setlowtariffstart'

- at: input_datetime.fd_setlowtariffstart
trigger: time

and for your actions there should be a section starting 'actions:' before the actions

- action: notify.persistent_notification
metadata: {}
message: 'FD_AutomationOne has triggered'
mode: single

So to keep it simple create a blank automation, leave it in Visual mode, in the 'When' add a trigger, type 'time' and select the at a specific time or date, in the editor select 'Value of a date/time helper' and start typing the name (it will show all helpers that are date time along with their friendly names) - pick the one for your fd_setlowtariffstart and to see what the yaml looks like switch to edit in yaml mode.

likewise for the actions best to do it in the visual editor, add an action start typing notifications and pick the one you want.

The visual editor can do the simple stuff like the formatting but it won't let you put in a template or code expressions so that'll have to be done in the editor but you can build the framework for an automation very quickly and then add the 'clever' stuff afterwards.
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I will start again. Just shows the truth of ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’.
KH10 with 4 off ECS4800 batteries.
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Solar installation active on 27/11/2024. Export MPAN active on 30.12/2024.
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Hi Dave,

Slowly plowing my way through writing my automation. I am following your advice to use the UI to set up the basic automation and then edit the yaml from there. However, I have hit a snag that has kept me from progressing. Basically I am using a timer and I need to set the timer duration programatically. This code works

Code: Select all

  - action: timer.start
    metadata: {}
        hours: "{{ states('input_number.fd_waithours')}}"
      entity_id: timer.fd_timerone
but what I actually need is to set the duration using a number template like so:

Code: Select all

  -action: timer.start
          hours: "{{states('number.fd_automationtimerduration')}}"
      entity_id: timer.fd_timerone
This doesn't work! I have tried lots of searches but no one seems to have an answer. Of course that may be because it can't be done but I remain hopeful!

If you wouldn't mind having a look and seeing if you can suggest a way for me to do this I will be very grateful.

Sorry to be such a nuisance,
Regards, Hugh
KH10 with 4 off ECS4800 batteries.
20 Jinko 435W panels in 2 strings. 10 on house, south facing, 10 on barn, east facing.
Solar installation active on 27/11/2024. Export MPAN active on 30.12/2024.
Zappi V2 charger and 2 EVs.
Currently on Octopus Intelligent Go tariff.
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Dave Foster
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HughInDevon wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:49 pm Hi Dave,

Slowly plowing my way through writing my automation. I am following your advice to use the UI to set up the basic automation and then edit the yaml from there. However, I have hit a snag that has kept me from progressing. Basically I am using a timer and I need to set the timer duration programatically. This code works

Code: Select all

  - action: timer.start
    metadata: {}
        hours: "{{ states('input_number.fd_waithours')}}"
      entity_id: timer.fd_timerone
but what I actually need is to set the duration using a number template like so:

Code: Select all

  -action: timer.start
          hours: "{{states('number.fd_automationtimerduration')}}"
      entity_id: timer.fd_timerone
This doesn't work! I have tried lots of searches but no one seems to have an answer. Of course that may be because it can't be done but I remain hopeful!

If you wouldn't mind having a look and seeing if you can suggest a way for me to do this I will be very grateful.

Sorry to be such a nuisance,
Regards, Hugh
I'm not sure without seeing what is behind 'number.fd_automationtimerduration' but it is possible that it contains a type that is not allowed for hours (like float) - first suggestion is to try this -

Code: Select all

          hours: "{{states('number.fd_automationtimerduration')|int}}"
If that doesn’t work can you check in developer tools, template that this code it does actually produce a numeric value
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Hi Dave,

For reference, the code of my number template is

Code: Select all

{# Read target end time in decimal hours #}
{% set EndHours = states('number.fd_windowstarttime') %}
{# Read target begin time in decimal hours #}
{% set BeginHours = states('number.fd_timenowasdh') %}
{# Calculated timer duration in decimal hours #}
{% set myDuration = (((EndHours | float ) - (BeginHours | float)) | round(1)) %}
{# Adjust if duration is negative #}
{% if myDuration < 0 %}
{% set myDuration = (myDuration + 24) %}
{% endif %}
{{ myDuration }}
This code runs OK in the Template trial under Developers tools.

Changing this to an integer doesn't help. I have tried inputting the duration as integer seconds and as integer minutes. Also, the way it is currently set up and working using an input_number helper actually does allow the duration to be set to a non- integer number of hours. My input_number helper has a step size of 0.1 and the timer happily accepts 0.1 hours as the duration.

More head scratching I'm afraid.

Thanks, Hugh
KH10 with 4 off ECS4800 batteries.
20 Jinko 435W panels in 2 strings. 10 on house, south facing, 10 on barn, east facing.
Solar installation active on 27/11/2024. Export MPAN active on 30.12/2024.
Zappi V2 charger and 2 EVs.
Currently on Octopus Intelligent Go tariff.
Home Assistant modbus integration (Now working - ish)
Dave Foster
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I'll be honest i've never used the time start action, but just looking through the notes, it shows it as taking either a duration in seconds or a timedate helper.

I've tried to create a timer and then add the hours: key and it gets very confused..
Which suggests the action code should look like this -

Code: Select all

action: timer.start
metadata: {}
  duration: "{{ states('number.fd_automationtimerduration')*3600 }}"
Wondering if that would work ?
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Hi Dave,

I think you have cracked it!!!!

This is my test code, FD_AutomationTest

Code: Select all

alias: FD_AutomationTest
description: ""
  - trigger: time
    at: input_datetime.fd_setlowtariffstart
conditions: []
  - action: notify.persistent_notification
    metadata: {}
      message: AutomationTest has triggered
  - action: timer.start
    metadata: {}
      duration: "{{ states('number.fd_timerduration')*3600 }}"
      entity_id: timer.fd_timerone
  - action: notify.persistent_notification
    metadata: {}
      message: FD_TimerOne has started
mode: single
When I run this I get both notifications.

Thanks very much - again!

Regards, Hugh
KH10 with 4 off ECS4800 batteries.
20 Jinko 435W panels in 2 strings. 10 on house, south facing, 10 on barn, east facing.
Solar installation active on 27/11/2024. Export MPAN active on 30.12/2024.
Zappi V2 charger and 2 EVs.
Currently on Octopus Intelligent Go tariff.
Home Assistant modbus integration (Now working - ish)
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