Meter für Foxess T10-G3

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Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:08 pm

maybe I'll get answers here, the service in Germany doesn't really help me.

I own a Foxess T10-G3 inverter where I would like to use the meter function
to see the energy consumption also in the app.
I bought a DTSU666, the version with the external current sensors.
I set the DTSU666 according to the instructions for Foxess inverters.
The meter function is activated in the inverter and the export limit is deactivated.
All cables are correctly connected (R485) the DTSU666 shows the correct values ​​on the display
only the inverter shows strange values ​​(such as 300W although 4 kWh are consumed)
and also regulates the PV power down to the value.

sorry because my english is not good, i let google translate it

Dave Foster
Posts: 1148
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm


Your English is considerably better than my German ;) sadly I can't answer your specific question but would refer you to these if you have not seen them already which shows the wiring and setting of the 3 phase meter.

Dave Foster
Posts: 1148
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

I have attached the manual, I can see there are many options that would change the transformer ratio and reporting values.

Sorry I can't help any further but hopefully something here will help.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:37 pm

Hallo mrleubsy,

hast Du das Problem lösen können. Ich habe die gleichen Schwierigkeitem - der Inverter zeigt falschen Daten für Hausstromverbrauch an.

Vielen Dank im Voraus

Hi mrleubsy,

have you fixed the problem. I face the same issue the inverter shows strange house load values...

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