Meaning of abbreviations

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Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:15 pm

So I'm really a newby to all the Foxess stuff and I want to understand what the meaning of inverter detail abbreviations is. Can somebody give me the long version to this abbreviations on the left site of each line:

Code: Select all

RVolt		233.2 V
RCurrent	1 A
RFreq		50 Hz
RPower		0.119 kW
SVolt		234.3 V
SCurrent	1.2 A
SPower		0.17 kW
TVolt		237.3 V
TCurrent	1.1 A
TPower		0.144 kW
PV1Volt		689.7 V
PV1Current	1.6 A
PV1Power	1.104 kW
PV2Volt		0 V
PV2Current	0 A
PV2Power	0 kW
InvBatCurrent	-4.4 A
InvBatPower	-0.539 kW
SoC		39 %
InvBatVolt	121.2 V
Thank you in advance!
Dave Foster
Posts: 1142
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:21 pm

You've clearly got a 3 phase supply as you have R, S & T meters showing, If you had a single phase you would only have R (Reference), with 3 phase you also have S (Secondary) and T (Tertiary) feeds to make up the 3 phase.

So you will see a repeat of the sensors for voltage, current, frequency and power for each of the phases.

It looks like you only have 1 PV string fitted (PV1), PV2 is showing zero volts - nothing installed.

The power meters (kW) are measuring the amount of power being consumed or generated (Note: Power = Volts * Amps)

as to the rest -

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RVolt			Reference Voltage 233.2 V
RCurrent		Reference Current 1 A
RFreq			Reference Frequency 50 Hz
RPower			Reference Power 0.119 kW
SVolt			Secondary Voltage 234.3 V
SCurrent		Secondary Current 1.2 A
SPower			Secondary Power 0.17 kW
TVolt			Tertiary Voltage 237.3 V
TCurrent		Tertiary Current 1.1 A
TPower			Tertiary Power 0.144 kW
PV1Volt			PV String 1 Voltage 689.7 V
PV1Current		PV String 1 Current 1.6 A
PV1Power		PV String 1 Power 1.104 kW
PV2Volt			PV String 2 Voltage 0 V
PV2Current		PV String 2 Current 0 A
PV2Power		PV String 2 Power 0 kW
InvBatCurrent		Battery Current as read by the Inverter (negative is battery charging, positive is battery discharging) -4.4 A
InvBatPower		Battery Power as read by the inverter  -0.539 kW
SoC			Battery State of Charge 39 %
InvBatVolt		Battery Voltage as read by the inverter	121.2 V
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:15 pm

Thank, yes that's what I want to know..
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:15 pm

It's me again with further requests for explanation. I've downloaded all 109 variables which are provided by inverter H3. A lot of them I can explain by myself or by Goggle ;-). Here is a short list of names of variables which I can't understand. Mostly they don't give back a value and in one case 'runningState' value is 163. Is there anybody out there who can give some short paraphrase or explanation of function/meaning:
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